

  • ewwwww...cabbage slime? lololol!!!! I eat the real thing as well, the no fat stuff just has more sugar in it too so id rather eat less of the real thing...same with salad dressings.
  • huh...don't even get me started :angry: Its not just non pcos'ers but even doctors and medical experts who pooh pooh the whole thing. Its not as bad now but when i was diagnosed in the early 80's half the people i was sent to for help hadn't even heard of it, even later on I waited over 10 months for an appointment with a…
  • I keep an eye on my sugars because im insulin resistant but i find its very hard to delete it totally from the diet, sugar is so well hidden in alot of things you wouldnt expect, especially pre packaged stuff. I just about fell off my chair when i logged on a can of tomato soup on here and the sugar amount was…
  • Pink! Raise Your Glass!!! Also Kelly Clarkson - Stronger
  • cous cous ... love that stuff. Throw in some salsa black beans and corn and there you go! Quick too!
  • Oh thanks everybody...I didn't even realize you could change the settings...I would like to track fibre for sure. I should have mentioned though that I am pre-diabetic (insulin resistant) so ya sugar is a bit of a concern. But I don't feel like im doing anything wrong now as much as I did before! Thanks again! :smile:
  • I am and loving it! Weight Watchers has been my lifeline for years and its great...but when I decided to go back to school I just couldn't afford it. ITs been so long since I came back to mfp I had to start a new account and I have to say I am really enjoying it, I didn't take advantage of it like I should have the last…
  • I am and loving it!
  • Oh my...aren't ovaries the stupidest things ever? I have polycystic ovarian syndrome and was told by Dr. Compassion at the age of 15 Id never have children and oh by the way you're fat too lose some weight. :explode: I totally sympathise with what you're going through so feel free to friend me, I too have come back to mfp…
  • You can all add me as well! Ive been on mfp for years but also on WW, so on Easter Sunday I reactivated here to really get motivated. I like to be really creative with my diary but am always looking for ideas so it would be fun to have more 'friends'. The past few days I've been over my counts so I have to get re-focussed,…
  • hey ladies I was dx with pcos when I was 18...over 20 years ago, by a doctor who explained it to me by making me read an article in a medical journal. It was such a new thing he said people don't know enough about it...so over the years I feel like I grew along with it, and it sucked. You name the symptom I had it :(…
  • I have been on WW forever but had to stop due to finances. Leaving my job to go back to school full time meant my budget didn't allow for it, so here I am! There are a few things I would do on WW that im not sure is okay here, but im getting used to it I guess. Anyway im no help for your question but just wanted to wish…
  • a whole box of flakies :blushing: :huh:
  • i am a really lazy cook, so though i love chicken turkey pork ham and even some fish...cooking it is a pain in the patoot! :huh: I have discovered a real appreciation for always having black beans and white kidney beans or chickpeas in my pantry...aside from the protein they add texture to anything! I also looove that i…
  • microwave and movie popcorn. :love: At home I just rediscovered my microwave air popper in the back of the cupboard...made a batch no oil and very little salt...NOTHING...nowhere NEAR the amounts like what you'd have with the other stuff. OMG it was sooooo good! :huh: Consuming all those chemicals all these years...:frown:
  • I could have written your post. PCOS sucks! :grumble: lol. Anyway I follow the insulin resistance 'diet' (google it). Its really about the ratio of protein to carbs, and I also consider the glycemic index...is the food I want a red yellow or green food (how it affects you're insulin spikes). You probably know insulin is a…
  • What I do (when travelling the dreaded 24 hour road trips to see the in laws) I keep receipts in the car of places I've been to. Then when I get home I can add it all up. If it a particularly good one I keep them as references to use later if I have to stop.. Just decide ahead of time what places you will comfortably stop…
  • 'sexypants' sounds a lot better than my current 'eatingpants' lol I like this!
  • im talking about my high fat extra creamy alfredo sauces that I put on EVERYTHING! For awhile I am going to let them go...maybe at some point I can treat myself...but for now I've been treating myself a little too much lately :blushing:
  • Thanks so much everybody and yes I guess I did sound a little panicky there didn't I hahaha! I went shopping and restocked my cupboards and tomorrow will be like my first day, because then I can actually make decent meals. My first entry on here was Easter dinner...not too smart! :noway: One of my saving graces is that I…
  • Been there done that got the tshirt! First off have you been diagnosed with PCOS or Insulin Resistance? I have both and had to undergo massive fertility treatment, and losing weight was one of the doctors orders. My advice from experience. PROTEIN PROTEIN PROTEIN!!!! protein:carb ratio is 1:3. If you eat an apple, have a…
  • Sign me up I will use all the help I can get!!!! :laugh:
  • I hope I am not too late to join in here, I just rejoined 2 days ago, I have to lose 107 to get to my goal weight and I too would love a group who are heading down the same road as me! I haven't figured out yet how to ask for friends so please friend me if you can...im 45, married with 3 kids, and currently on leave from…
  • I LOVE chips and dip...I mean really really LOOOOVE chips and dip! I switched to rice crackers and herb/garlic hummus. So good! I can only eat maybe a third of my usual portion due to the high fibre content, and now any 'pop' I drink has to be clear. Sprite or sparkling fruit water type stuff.
  • My Dad used to say to us kids..."When you find yourself stuck in a hole you can't get out of...quit digging!" :laugh:
  • I figure the more friends the merrier! I just rejoined although last time I didn't do very much because I spent so much time reading and didn't really participate a lot. Please feel free to add me as a friend...I like to have fun and enjoy life but seriously need to make myself a priority for once, so best of luck to you…
  • I actually cut back on diet coke for over a month when I got a keurig machine at Christmas...what a difference in how I felt! I still drink it now occassionaly, some meals just call for bubbles know what I mean? lol. Since then I have started shifting to clear sodas, no colorings. If I can see through it I will drink it.…
  • With today being Easter I probably didn't pick the best day to join myfitnesspal hahaha...sighhh...oh well I calculated what I plan to eat for dinner and I am over by about 247.
    in Easter Comment by TiLo0905 April 2014
  • I love making soups too...for noodles I use bean sprouts...when they get all soggy its like a real noodle!
  • I only joined today but I am so glad I found this thread...lots of great ideas! One of my go to meals is spaghetti squash with salsa, sprinkled with parmasen. Lately I've been adding black beans and chopped peppers or lean ground beef if I have any left over. Just like Mama used to make it...sorta.