

  • Hi everyone1 I'm right there with you guys. It's a long road and I'm sure there will be ups and downs, but we can all do it. I've been tracking my food for a few weeks now, but I need to get moving. I keep putting it off because I know how out of breath I'll be quickly and ugh!
  • That is so awesome! I'm in awe and hope I can follow your footsteps. And mad props for getting up so early to get your exercise in - I admit, that is where i have the most trouble. I like to sleep!
  • Thank you everyone for the encouragement. I really appreciate it.
  • Welcome from one newbie to another. I hope you don't mind that I added you to my friends! I started my journey over a year ago (though I'm new here) and I'm still just learning/dealing with portions.
  • That's a great attitude and something very important to remember.