Over 100+ to lose?



  • GranP
    GranP Posts: 38
    Wow, I didn't realize there were so many people in the same boat as I am. I've felt very alone and like I was the only one. We can all join forces and do this, for ourselves and for each other. Does any one compete in challenges? Are there challenges already in place for people who have a lot to lose? If not, can we make one ourselves?
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good Morning. I am up and ready to go today, I just wish I could get on my treadmill and walk but I can't due to doctor's orders. I injured my knee about a month ago in a fall and I bruised my Patella. I have to wear a knee brace, take antil inflammatories, and I have to see an orthopedic doctor. I am just waiting on my doctor to refer me to them. I do use handweights for now though. I have to do something. Anyways, we all can do this. I know we can!!!!!
  • maredarlin
    Hi everyone1 I'm right there with you guys. It's a long road and I'm sure there will be ups and downs, but we can all do it. I've been tracking my food for a few weeks now, but I need to get moving. I keep putting it off because I know how out of breath I'll be quickly and ugh!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,279 Member
    I missed this post and am not sure anyone is checking this anymore but I have lost almost 25 pounds slowly and have another almost 100 to go - hopefully not so slowly but not too quickly either. I log in here everyday but do not require that in others though I think it works. Hope all are successful and feel free to add me as a friend but add a note to tell me why. I have friends on here but am always willing to add more that have taken on this kind of challenge.
  • Shannon311
    Shannon311 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello Everyone! I myself have 90lbs to lose. I just started my journey yesterday. Reading your stories are inspiring. Please feel free to add me. I would really like to give you my support and receive yours in return!
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    I have over 100 to lose too...been at it for 2 months and I know it will take a while to get it all off. I am determined!
  • kadie21
    kadie21 Posts: 2
    I have well over 100 to lose and I keep thinking its going to be impossible but after reading a lot of the stories on here I think I might have a chance now. I really hope I can keep the motivation I have now.
  • GranP
    GranP Posts: 38
    Dropped off for a bit there, but back again. I am using the food and exercise trackers. I've started back exercising and tried a Zumba class last night. I couldn't keep up but I was OK with that. I did what I could and enjoyed it. I am sore today but it's a good sore. I'm tired of not doing stuff because I'm embarassed, how can I lose if I don't exercise? I don't like to do the same things over and over and find myself doing it less and less, so I'm going to try all the things I've always wanted to try.
    I have always wanted to learn to box and I found a local gym that has open boxing several times a week for $5. The instructor said Friday nights are slow and he would have time to work with me. I'm so excited!
    How is everyone doing? I hope people still check this post, I've been without a computer for ever and am so happy to be back.
    :smile: Patty
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    Getting startes isn't always easy but once you make the decision and become focused, NOTHING will stop you! It was very daunting thinking about how much weight I had to lose when I started but its been six months now and I am down 72 pounds so far, I still have a ways to go but I know now that I can and will reach my ultimate goals and so can you. come here everyday for inspiration and motivation it really helps to keep you on track. Try to make exercise a priority at least 4 times a week to keep your head in the game. There will be some tough days but it will all be worth it I promise! Good luck!
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member
    I have over 100lbs to lose - add me!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,279 Member
    Patty, I am glad to hear you found a place to do the boxing. I am interested to hear how it goes. I like Zumba. I keep up by going easy on alot of it. I also got the tapes to learn at home as well and in case I can't get out. Glad to hear you are logging regularly. I think that is the real key to staying with this for the long run. Afte a slow time I have started recently to lose about a pound a week which isn't fast for some but is about what I want to do. I find that so far I can keep toned up as I lose.
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    How is everyone?? It is sunny, gorgeous, and wonderful here....and I am inside at work. But only for 30 minutes more..then home. I did take a short walk during my break and it was hard to come back inside. I hope that you all are having a good week.
  • GranP
    GranP Posts: 38
    Hi All,
    I am really bad about logging on the week-end. I work on the computer all week and end up not wanting near it on the week-end. I need to log though because I lose track and silly me, I don't think ot counts if I eat it on the week-end and don't log it. There goes all the good work during the week.
    Downtome you are an inspiration, 74 lbs, you go girl. Keep it up.
    Okie, what a great start. You sound like you are committed to this. GREAT!
    Keria, I don't think I'll do Zumba again, atleast for a while. I am starting the boxing this week and will let you all know how it goes.
    I hope everyone has a great week.
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    GranP...why no more Zumba? I do like it but have no coordination....I have problems keeping up with the Basics routine...LOL

    I got my HRM and going to try it out today....heading outside to do some gardeing. We shall see how many calories I burn while I lift, lug, tote and dig.

    Weigh in tomorow for me
  • GranP
    GranP Posts: 38
    Hi All,
    I still need to work on my journaling food and exercise. Last night by the time I fixed and are dinner and cut up my veggies for the week it was 8 o'clock. I did some exercises and then watched Dancing with the Stars (half if it) while walking on the treadmill.
    That's a goal of mine, I want to walk while I watch. I don't have to be a speed demon, but I won't be sitting. I sit at a desk and a computer all day and I just can't let myself go home and do the same.
    I will try Zumba again later but I feel the need to get some weight off my knees before I try it again, I figure even the next 20 lbs will make a huge difference.
    Everyone have a great day. Remember, we can be our own best friends, or our own worst enemies!!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Hi there - I see a few friendly faces here from another post and thought I could use the support of another great group. I started with 120lbs to lose. I'm feeling so much better after just a few months. MFP has been a lifeline for me. Love the support, ideas, motivation and most of all the friendships.

    Patty - it sounds like we live similar lifes. I am also in an office all day and sometimes don't take time to log my food over the weekends. My strategy is to hit the treadmill at 5am (watching some Bravo smut that I can't stay awake late enough to watch). This motivates me for the day. In the office I drink water as much as possible and have a healthy snack every 2hrs. My remedy for weekend success is to weigh myself on Friday mornings. I don't log my weight until Monday morning but knowing what I weigh going into the weekend helps me to either maintain my weekly loss or it motivates me to meet my weekly goal by Monday morning. It basically keeps my head in the game. So far it's worked well. Idon't always log my food on Sat & Sun but I track it and log it on Mondays when I have time. I also use the app on my smart phone which I love!

    Looking forward to getting to know each of you here. I'm determined to live the second half of my life free of this 'Heavy' burden. It's liberating just knowing that I'm well on my way. I know we can all do this!

    Make it a great day!
  • GranP
    GranP Posts: 38
    Hi ReNae,
    It sounds like you are doing well. I am trying my best to get up and move around at work. Sometime I find myself sitting for so long I'm stiff. I bought one of those bottles that you can fill up and they don't sweat and make a mess, so I am doing better at my water as well. It's 20 oz and I can usually get through 2 to 3 of them at work.
    I use to get up at 5 and work out, I need to start again, it really makes the day better and me more productive. It's amazing how much difference there is in my body when I take the time to exercise. All the aches and pains seem to be less noticable.
    I like what you say about the second half of our lives, we all need to keep that in mind. It can be all we want it to be if we set our minds, hearts and bodies to doing it.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Happy Wednesday! I always feel better when I hit mid-week and I've kept it light the first 2 days. If I can keep it the same for today it allows me to relax just a bit on Friday evening. The holiday weekend might be challenging so I'll spend some time today planning a few meals that won't break my calorie bank too badly.

    I think I'll try BLT's without the bread. wrapping diced tomatoes and turkey bacon into beds of crisp lettuce - sounds yummy and easy to eat at BBQ / picnic.

    So glad this thread is still going. I like having a couple of different groups to check in with daily. It keeps me motivated!

    Patty - what kind of water bottle did you find that doesn't sweat? I've been using the rubbermaid ones because I like the lids. Easy to drink from and they clean up easily also.
  • GranP
    GranP Posts: 38
    Hi All,
    This coming week-end will be an emontional challenge for me. We just lost my Dad last month, he was a Veterian and he was in the Memorial Parade as long as I can remmeber. My sister and I will watch this one but it will be bittersweet.
    We have no picnic planned, my kids are out of town or working the week-end. I'ts a first for me. I'm going to try to take advantage of the "good" weather they are saying we're going to have and try for some yard work.

    Renae I bought the cup at Wal-Mart but have seen them other places, this one doesn't have a brand name that I can see anywhere but it says it's "double walled" for cold or hot and is BPA free. It's actually a bottle in a bottle.

    I spent yesterday with my 10 month old grandson. What a job and what a joy. He is so sweet and I'll miss him while he's in FL on vacation.

    Everyone, lets make the best today we can. Patty
  • mummyto4
    mummyto4 Posts: 4 Member
    I have just joined mfp this week and have over 100lbs to lose so I am taking lots of inspiration from your group. Some of your loses so far are amazing!!

    Well done!