

  • I like the advice of once a week. I see the daily fluctuations and that drives me crazy, too. I was thinking of changing my weigh in day to just weekly, probably on Sunday. Thanks for the advice, folks!
  • Sounds like you're doing fine. Why? Progress should never be measured in pounds alone. From an article online by By Diana Kelly for Life by DailyBurn: Look at what you've already mentioned which are smaller measurements on your body, keep an eye on reduced blood pressure, lower resting heart rate, and wearing smaller…
  • Not sure it helps and MyFitnessPal really helps me understand that why I exercise and why I watch my calories is exactly because I love food. LOVE IT! Today, I burned an estimated 700 calories on a bike ride. When I went out for Memorial Day with friends, I justified the mini veggie pizza and the microbrew because of my…