Is this decent progress for 2 months?

Hi Everyone!

I started my journey two months ago. I've been working out with a trainer 2-3 times a week, and doing my own workouts when I am not with her. I've been getting leaner,( with inches, not so much lbs) on the top half of my body, but not the bottom. I am a pear shape unfortunately!

Just wanted to see what your opinions are on my progress? Should I look better than this in 2 months, or do you think I'm right on track? Thanks guys :)

ETA: also, Since I have been seeing a change in my upper half...when do you think i'll start losing in my lower part of my body? Any ppl in similar situations? I hope it wont be the last to go..... That's my biggest problem area ~!!



  • AlbaAngel25
    AlbaAngel25 Posts: 484 Member
  • ChristinaOrtiz23
    ChristinaOrtiz23 Posts: 1,546 Member
    when i try it, it says "......did not match any documents."
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    ANY progress is better than no progress. Keep going.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

    I tried to fix, not sure it did.
  • ChristinaOrtiz23
    ChristinaOrtiz23 Posts: 1,546 Member

    I tried to fix, not sure it did.

    you did!!!

    Wow your arms are smaller and more defined too!! keep up the great work!!
  • flatstomach67
    Sounds like you're doing fine. Why? Progress should never be measured in pounds alone. From an article online by By Diana Kelly for Life by DailyBurn: Look at what you've already mentioned which are smaller measurements on your body, keep an eye on reduced blood pressure, lower resting heart rate, and wearing smaller sizes. I'm a male and I'm pear shaped too. I realize the LAST place I'm going to see what I want is where I most want it and that is a flat stomach. But I keep punching holes in my belt, my glucose and blood pressure continue to drop, I take less meds, and I sleep better and better. My neck size is decreasing, my perspiration at the slightest physical activity is no more, and being an ex smoker for now almost three years and off soda for almost one month, well, this has to add up to longer natural living years.

    Check out that article, if you choose, and compare your results. You go! Keep up the good work. You and your family and friends will all enjoy many more years out of you!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Two months is not very long in the scheme of things. The amount of progress that one can make depends on so many different factors that you can't really compare yourself to others. Inches are going down, that is progress.
  • TXrattlesnake
    I don't see much difference but tone takes time and can be hidden... as you continue to lose, it will come and be more visible if you're doing the right things to acheive that I would think. The more important question is, are YOU happy with your progress? If so, then keep doing what works for you and cheers to continued success!
  • Readygurl
    Readygurl Posts: 1 Member
    The fact that you are working hard at your goals is progress....I know how it feels to not see things move...but honestly it really does take a lot of time and consistency to get the results you are talking about!!! make sure your eating properly as well....working out is huge...but if you want to see more definition and a drop in sizes eating to get lean will be a big push!!! good luck!