

  • Started gong hard diet this December, at 255#, now I'm at 215#, aiming for 170# ideally. Added weight lifting this month. Hopefully getting to a healthy weight and adding some muscle tone.
  • good job! a fruit I actually like, ty. as it stands I'm about 1911mg under what I need. The apricots would get me close and make me a lot happier. That's the only goal i'm slacking on. Aloha - Yeah, i've noticed the same. But figured if I can find something I like that I know has high pot in it, why not?
  • I like the MetRx Protein Plus - Chocolate Roasted Peanut with Caramel. 310 Calories 9g Fat, 7g Sat Fat, 0 Trans Fat Sodium 290 Potassium 210 Carbs 33g Dietary Fiber 2g Sugar 2g/Alcohol Sugars 27g Protein 30g