

  • Thanks guys im just hoping it does retract :( I feel disgusting aha
  • Hey thanks for the reply. Yeah I thought that, so I have started a predominantly free weights only programme minus a 1 day per week cardio. I know they say it boosts your metabolosm faster than cardio but my thoughts were that if I eat right and eat enough and concentrate on lifting and building the shape and definition…
  • Me me me! Aha I did a "pure pump" class in the gym which is a hogh intensity free weights class (not necessarily heavy weights but its about your form and switching up how slowly yoy do reps etc) a 30 min moderate cycle and 30 mins interval between uphill walking, flat speed walking and running on treadmill :)))
  • Add me if you like i have just started tracking from yesterday and I have around 3 stone to lose, so here if you need anything x
  • Feel free to add me o have kust started tracking and a new ime bit feel like I'm fighting an uphill battle as my oh doesnt really care about the changes and progress I want to make :) please add me guys!
  • Hey im due to start insanity in a couple of days when it arrives, does anybody fancy being my accoyntability partner as I struggle to stick with things alone?