

  • I gained a ton of weight while on antidepresssants for sever post partum depression and can totally relate. I hope you can find balance in your life soon. But I also think because I was depressed I was making poor food choices and I was unable to exercise (c-section incision took 13 months to heal) so I just gave up for a…
  • I have a Polar Heart Rate monitor that I wear. Interesting. I'd like to learn more on this - could you point me some where to do some online reading ? Please and thanks.
  • I keep hearing that but I wear a heart rate monitor when I work out. So let's say I burn 500 calories doing cardio - typically for me that means 12-17% of those calories are burned from fat. The rest is burned from glycogen (aka sugar stores). When I strength train at a circuit pace and do 500 calories - 43-50% will be…
  • Nice to meet you and Good luck! Add me as a friend if you wish.