wthomson Member


  • I would be willing to pay for an app/feature like this.
  • I had emergency laparoscopic surgery when my first son was three weeks old (in 2008). My pregnancy had triggered gall stones and I had been hospitalized during my pregnancy when I had attacks. I used to have IBS - C and ever since the surgery I haven't had any problems. My recovery time was quick - a couple of days and I…
  • Lacto/Ovo for 15 years. Diary open to friends. Would love to view/share meal ideas.
  • I have also been battling a plateau for about 4 weeks, I have lost 18 lbs, with a goal of 18 lbs more. I am not going over my daily calorie total of 1200 calories a day unless I exercise that day, then i will eat back some of my calories. I feel your frustration and am trying to decide a plan of action. I have decided to…