

  • If the weight isn't coming off but people are noticing, the answer is simple. You are building muscle as you lose fat. More muscle will burn more fat so keep it up. Eventually the scale will catch up with your actual results. I would even rely more on before/after photos than scale or measurements. keep up the hard work!
  • Your answer is in the title. I would know because portions were my biggest enemy. Once i figured that out, the pounds began to fall. You keep working at it until YOU are more important than food. Nothing tastes better than liking what you see in the mirror. Use the will power that got you started on your journey and limit…
  • Stay Motivated! You are your most powerful ally but can be your most influential enemy. No one can hold you down but yourself!! Be the creator of your own destiny. Be the writer of your own story. And Above All else.....Never Quit, and Never Give Up!!