

  • I'm also 5'5" and am down to about 112. My bf is only 12% and i have people telling me I'm too thin all the time. In this picture I have up I was 10 pounds heavier, bur I like being small!
  • LOL I go through this all the time! So here's the deal: First, when you have an eating disorder and you starve yourself, your body will collect "fat" around your organs to protect them. i go to anorexia and bulimia annonymous and it happens to all of us. Second, it's not fat. You probably have so little fat that you're…
  • I'm glad you posted this because I have been wondering the same thing. I'm 5'6" and 112 lbs at 12% body fat... Yea I also didn't mean to get this low. I didn't trust this site so I have been maintaining a deficit although I think my calorie burn is wrong. I just enter in whatever calorie burn the cardio machine tells me…
  • Hi! I don't have any friends on here :( lol, I have been doing this for like a month and I LOVE it!
  • Hi! I have been anorexic and bulimic almost my entire life and this site has helped me more than any program or rehab I have been to! I haven't binged and purged once since I started it and I have been increasing my food every week and accidentally losing weight. That being said, you have to stay away from your trigger…
  • I LOVE veggies!!!! They're my primary food group, lol. If you like them, eat up!! They still count as calories, but you can eat so much of them and not gain weight. I'd rather have them for carbs than actual carbs, I think they're more filling and most have hidden protein! Broccoli is my favorite food :)
  • BEEN THERE! And everywhere else. I was bulimic, then anorexic, and a compulsive overexerciser and although I never binged without throwing up, I still managed to gain significant weight at certain times and it was terrible. I'm the same height as you and I'd venture to say I got close to 160 (I wouldn't look at a scale but…
  • Yea, I'm supposed to be in recovery, but it's really hard!!! I have a professional who gave me a food plan, but I really struggle eating all of it because I used to restrict so heavily and I count all of the calories. I get really freaked out if I have to eat a certain amount so it helps me if I can understand from a…