ccozzi89 Member


  • awh I had my second baby on 4/3/15 as well...I started at 125 lbs. my highest weight was 185 when pregnant, I was 157 lbs 2 weeks PP, I am now 154 and can't seem to lose anything ugh =/
  • I don't know her BMI or weight loss goal so I can't give you exact numbers in terms of what I am recommending. But according to her journal, she is over in sugar and fat. Her protein never exceeds her recommendation (from what I looked at.) What she should be doing is substituting the foods with high sugar and fat with…
  • ...aaaaand I have stated that her macro nutrients are NOT balanced. Her fat and sugar is WAY over the limit, that's not anywhere near balanced. I also stated it's not all about calories, probably 100 times on this board. And yes, I am definitely saying that if her macro nutrients (specifically fat and sugar) are over, even…
  • Also the fact that she is even losing weight is a healthy thing. I don't know her BMI but according to her recommended daily value of her calories/protein/fat/etc I am going to assume she is at least overweight. People who fall into the category of overweight and + should and COULD be losing at least 2 pounds a week, until…
  • I'm recommending lowering her fat in accordance to her diet now. She is getting too much fat, sometimes by as much as 20 grams. I'm also telling her that her protein is fine. Her sugar and carbs need to be lowered as well, since her sugar is wayy too high according to her journal and her recommended daily value.
  • Yeah if there WAS a deficit, which there isn't. It's not all about calorie deficit. She is getting more than enough fat and sugar, so there is no deficit there. You could lose weight on junk food if you were deficit in all of the above macro nutrients I mentioned, but the point is that she isn't. Once's NOT all…
  • You're clueless and btw I don't have time to troll around websites. I'm actually trying to help her out. Maybe you should see a dietician yourself and come back to this page and tell me what they say. She is eating way too much sugar and fat, and that is a fact that she is storing the additional energy. She is NOT on an…
  • I forgot to mention that I feel like you should have lost a minimum of 4-5 pounds. I'm not sure what you weigh but if you are obese or overweight, the weight should be coming off much faster, at least 2 pounds a week. When you get to a normal weight, it should be about 1 or 1/2 pound a week. And don't eat anything 3 hours…
  • I looked at your food journal...I see where the problem is. I studied nutrition in college/nursing school so please take my advice. I see a pattern in your journal and you tend to always exceed your sugar and fat intake. That's a HUGE problem. Before I knew anything about nutrition, I used to do the same thing, especially…
  • Woah so I just reviewed your food journal. You are eating WAY too much sodium. SODIUM = WATER RETENTION and can take days to get rid of. The "negative" number in the color red means you have exceeded your goal. On Tuesday you exceeded sodium by 749 (with 558 calories remaining) and exceeded protein by 17 grams. Wednesday…