Its been 3 weeks, have only lost 2 pounds.



  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I looked at your food journal...I see where the problem is. I studied nutrition in college/nursing school so please take my advice. I see a pattern in your journal and you tend to always exceed your sugar and fat intake. That's a HUGE problem. Before I knew anything about nutrition, I used to do the same thing, especially since I was a vegetarian. I used to think it was all about calories and burning calories via exercise. Needless to say, I was very wrong and never lost weight, I was just hungry all the time.

    My advice according to your food journal is to seriously lower your sugar and fat intake and start counting your carbs. I don't see where your carbs are located, I only see sugar, which is basically the same thing. I am assuming your carbs are way too high also. Even if you exercise, you should keep your fat, sugar, and carbs at the suggested daily value for a woman of your age/BMI and according to how much weight you want to lose. This website suggests that your fat intake not exceed around 60-ish grams, and your sugar not exceed around 70-ish. On one day you had 93 grams of fat and 114 grams of sugar!! OMG hun, do you see what I mean? Excess sugar/carbs turns to fat, and extra fat just turns to additional fat, regardless of exercise. Also another thing is that don't overdo the protein either, because extra protein turns to heavier mass/muscle and the rest turns to fat.

    Please start counting your carbs and lower your sugar and fat intake and let us know how you are doing =) I would suggest a medium/low carb intake, a low sugar intake, and a medium fat intake, and make sure you get the recommended amount of protein but don't exceed your limit.

    All of this is BS and so is the next post by this person. Has to be a troll. If this were true, you wouldn't be losing at all. You're doing perfectly fine. Continue to work at it, and it will keep coming off. You have to be a little more patient.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I looked at your food journal...I see where the problem is. I studied nutrition in college/nursing school so please take my advice. I see a pattern in your journal and you tend to always exceed your sugar and fat intake. That's a HUGE problem. Before I knew anything about nutrition, I used to do the same thing, especially since I was a vegetarian. I used to think it was all about calories and burning calories via exercise. Needless to say, I was very wrong and never lost weight, I was just hungry all the time.

    My advice according to your food journal is to seriously lower your sugar and fat intake and start counting your carbs. I don't see where your carbs are located, I only see sugar, which is basically the same thing. I am assuming your carbs are way too high also. Even if you exercise, you should keep your fat, sugar, and carbs at the suggested daily value for a woman of your age/BMI and according to how much weight you want to lose. This website suggests that your fat intake not exceed around 60-ish grams, and your sugar not exceed around 70-ish. On one day you had 93 grams of fat and 114 grams of sugar!! OMG hun, do you see what I mean? Excess sugar/carbs turns to fat, and extra fat just turns to additional fat, regardless of exercise. Also another thing is that don't overdo the protein either, because extra protein turns to heavier mass/muscle and the rest turns to fat.

    Please start counting your carbs and lower your sugar and fat intake and let us know how you are doing =) I would suggest a medium/low carb intake, a low sugar intake, and a medium fat intake, and make sure you get the recommended amount of protein but don't exceed your limit.

    She's losing weight at a healthy rate. Losing weight is about creating a deficit. You could lose weight eating all oreos and pixi stix if it was at a deficit. You'd be lacking in vitamins and minerals, but the weight would come off all the same.

    OP: I see that a lot of items in your diary are measured, but not weighed. You might be undereating some days and overeating on others without realizing it. I recommend weighing food for the most accurate calculations.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I looked at your food journal...I see where the problem is. I studied nutrition in college/nursing school so please take my advice. I see a pattern in your journal and you tend to always exceed your sugar and fat intake. That's a HUGE problem. Before I knew anything about nutrition, I used to do the same thing, especially since I was a vegetarian. I used to think it was all about calories and burning calories via exercise. Needless to say, I was very wrong and never lost weight, I was just hungry all the time.

    My advice according to your food journal is to seriously lower your sugar and fat intake and start counting your carbs. I don't see where your carbs are located, I only see sugar, which is basically the same thing. I am assuming your carbs are way too high also. Even if you exercise, you should keep your fat, sugar, and carbs at the suggested daily value for a woman of your age/BMI and according to how much weight you want to lose. This website suggests that your fat intake not exceed around 60-ish grams, and your sugar not exceed around 70-ish. On one day you had 93 grams of fat and 114 grams of sugar!! OMG hun, do you see what I mean? Excess sugar/carbs turns to fat, and extra fat just turns to additional fat, regardless of exercise. Also another thing is that don't overdo the protein either, because extra protein turns to heavier mass/muscle and the rest turns to fat.

    Please start counting your carbs and lower your sugar and fat intake and let us know how you are doing =) I would suggest a medium/low carb intake, a low sugar intake, and a medium fat intake, and make sure you get the recommended amount of protein but don't exceed your limit.
    Nope. Sugar and fat do not make you gain or maintain weight, eating too many calories in a day does. Moderation in everything you like to eat, eat less calories than you burn, and you will lose weight.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Hello there, My name is Taylor and I have been using my Fitness Pal for about 3 weeks in a row. I track everything, Ive only missed a few days. I feel much healthier.I have so much more energy! I used to drink maybe one glass of water a day (I would drink soda and juice). Not I drink up to 14 glasses of H20 a day. And rarely have a soda. Still after all of this hard work, I have only lost 2 pounds. My starting weight is 252 pounds, and I am 5'9''. Anyone have any ideas why my weight loss is so slow? I do work out a few times a week.
    You're doing dandy! Keep up the hard work and have patience.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    First congrats on losing the 2 lbs. You might not be losing the weight as fast as you like but any number trending downwards is the way to go. It took time to put on weight, it'll take time to take it off too.

    Also, Remember the human body is a complicated thing. Make sure you are weighing yourself at the same time everyweek only once a week. Body weight can shift for many reasons but the goal here isn't necessarily to lose weight, it's to lose fat. Also note that working out will increase your muscle mass so it may make your weight loss goal seem less than idea, even though you're gaining a good thing muscles and loses some of the bad thing, fat. Remember, muscle weighs more than fat!

    Another tip, make sure you are measuring your food accurately and being honest about your exertion levels when working out. If you are using "intense" for a cardio category then it should be impossible for you to speak clearly for example.
  • ccozzi89
    ccozzi89 Posts: 10 Member
    You're clueless and btw I don't have time to troll around websites. I'm actually trying to help her out. Maybe you should see a dietician yourself and come back to this page and tell me what they say. She is eating way too much sugar and fat, and that is a fact that she is storing the additional energy. She is NOT on an Atkin's diet where excess fat and even protein is encouraged. Only a high fat/high protein diet with minimum carbs/sugar would cause her to gain weight via gluconeogenesis, but she is eating too many sugar and carbs and therefor storing anything extra. Also many days she exceeded her calories. She should definitely be losing MORE weight. You obviously know nothing on the topic.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    It's early. For some (especially some women), it can take a good 4-6 weeks (occasionally more) to start to notice weight loss when starting a new program. As some have already pointed out -- it's likely linked to excess water retention. Give it another 4 weeks. I also recommend the food scale and weighing all your food -- it's a really common to overestimate your calories (and underestimate your burn).

    If things haven't picked up (and you're at a decent rate now), then start to adjust your routine. Consider creating a bigger deficit -- either reduce your calories or up your activity. If that still isn't working, consider reducing your carbs as you may have an unknown carb sensitivity issue. If that doesn't work either, then a trip to the doctor may be in order.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    You're clueless and btw I don't have time to troll around websites. I'm actually trying to help her out. Maybe you should see a dietician yourself and come back to this page and tell me what they say. She is eating way too much sugar and fat, and that is a fact that she is storing the additional energy. She is NOT on an Atkin's diet where excess fat and even protein is encouraged. Only a high fat/high protein diet with minimum carbs/sugar would cause her to gain weight via gluconeogenesis, but she is eating too many sugar and carbs and therefor storing anything extra. Also many days she exceeded her calories. She should definitely be losing MORE weight. You obviously know nothing on the topic.

    Just to clarify, are you recommending a low carb, low fat and high protein diet? I agree that limiting carbs can be really useful for some people, but I hadn't heard of someone recommending that they lower fat as well. Oftentimes, when someone is suggesting that you lower carbs, the person is also suggesting that you raise fat to higher levels and protein to moderate levels (if no there).
  • ccozzi89
    ccozzi89 Posts: 10 Member
    I looked at your food journal...I see where the problem is. I studied nutrition in college/nursing school so please take my advice. I see a pattern in your journal and you tend to always exceed your sugar and fat intake. That's a HUGE problem. Before I knew anything about nutrition, I used to do the same thing, especially since I was a vegetarian. I used to think it was all about calories and burning calories via exercise. Needless to say, I was very wrong and never lost weight, I was just hungry all the time.

    My advice according to your food journal is to seriously lower your sugar and fat intake and start counting your carbs. I don't see where your carbs are located, I only see sugar, which is basically the same thing. I am assuming your carbs are way too high also. Even if you exercise, you should keep your fat, sugar, and carbs at the suggested daily value for a woman of your age/BMI and according to how much weight you want to lose. This website suggests that your fat intake not exceed around 60-ish grams, and your sugar not exceed around 70-ish. On one day you had 93 grams of fat and 114 grams of sugar!! OMG hun, do you see what I mean? Excess sugar/carbs turns to fat, and extra fat just turns to additional fat, regardless of exercise. Also another thing is that don't overdo the protein either, because extra protein turns to heavier mass/muscle and the rest turns to fat.

    Please start counting your carbs and lower your sugar and fat intake and let us know how you are doing =) I would suggest a medium/low carb intake, a low sugar intake, and a medium fat intake, and make sure you get the recommended amount of protein but don't exceed your limit.

    She's losing weight at a healthy rate. Losing weight is about creating a deficit. You could lose weight eating all oreos and pixi stix if it was at a deficit. You'd be lacking in vitamins and minerals, but the weight would come off all the same.

    OP: I see that a lot of items in your diary are measured, but not weighed. You might be undereating some days and overeating on others without realizing it. I recommend weighing food for the most accurate calculations.

    Yeah if there WAS a deficit, which there isn't. It's not all about calorie deficit. She is getting more than enough fat and sugar, so there is no deficit there. You could lose weight on junk food if you were deficit in all of the above macro nutrients I mentioned, but the point is that she isn't. Once's NOT all about calorie counting. If you eat a diet of pure sugar and fat all day and it equaled 900 calories and 50 grams of fat and your goal was 1200 calories with 60 grams of fat, you wouldn't be losing weight. Maybe you should try it and let me know how well that goes for you.
  • ccozzi89
    ccozzi89 Posts: 10 Member
    You're clueless and btw I don't have time to troll around websites. I'm actually trying to help her out. Maybe you should see a dietician yourself and come back to this page and tell me what they say. She is eating way too much sugar and fat, and that is a fact that she is storing the additional energy. She is NOT on an Atkin's diet where excess fat and even protein is encouraged. Only a high fat/high protein diet with minimum carbs/sugar would cause her to gain weight via gluconeogenesis, but she is eating too many sugar and carbs and therefor storing anything extra. Also many days she exceeded her calories. She should definitely be losing MORE weight. You obviously know nothing on the topic.

    Just to clarify, are you recommending a low carb, low fat and high protein diet? I agree that limiting carbs can be really useful for some people, but I hadn't heard of someone recommending that they lower fat as well. Oftentimes, when someone is suggesting that you lower carbs, the person is also suggesting that you raise fat to higher levels and protein to moderate levels (if no there).

    I'm recommending lowering her fat in accordance to her diet now. She is getting too much fat, sometimes by as much as 20 grams. I'm also telling her that her protein is fine. Her sugar and carbs need to be lowered as well, since her sugar is wayy too high according to her journal and her recommended daily value.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Hello there, My name is Taylor and I have been using my Fitness Pal for about 3 weeks in a row. I track everything, Ive only missed a few days. I feel much healthier.I have so much more energy! I used to drink maybe one glass of water a day (I would drink soda and juice). Not I drink up to 14 glasses of H20 a day. And rarely have a soda. Still after all of this hard work, I have only lost 2 pounds. My starting weight is 252 pounds, and I am 5'9''. Anyone have any ideas why my weight loss is so slow? I do work out a few times a week.

    Hi Taylor. I went back 10 days in your food diary, and it's true, you're missing some days, others you're way over on your calories, others---you're over on fats and sugars. I think you're lucky to have lost 2 lbs. Sorry, but you have to tighten up. Also noticed that you don't have your carbs listed and seem to be eating alot of them. Your macros are important to follow to lose weight properly--less loose skin, wrinkling etc. Tracking accurately, and everyday, make a difference if you've decided to count calories. Keep going, don't give up, but I'd advise to be more careful. Best of luck to you. :smile:
  • ccozzi89
    ccozzi89 Posts: 10 Member
    Also the fact that she is even losing weight is a healthy thing. I don't know her BMI but according to her recommended daily value of her calories/protein/fat/etc I am going to assume she is at least overweight. People who fall into the category of overweight and + should and COULD be losing at least 2 pounds a week, until they are at a normal or "healthy" weight, and they start to lose 1 pound to half a pound a week. Losing more than a pound a week when you are at a healthy weight isn't really recommended.

    My point is...she could be losing more. She even said it herself, and I'm sure there's a reason. She isn't eating as healthy as she could and that definitely plays a role. I'm recommending she lower her fat and sugar. ANY doctor will tell her this.
  • Vigilance88
    Vigilance88 Posts: 95 Member
    It's not all about calorie deficit. She is getting more than enough fat and sugar, so there is no deficit there. You could lose weight on junk food if you were deficit in all of the above macro nutrients I mentioned, but the point is that she isn't. Once's NOT all about calorie counting. If you eat a diet of pure sugar and fat all day and it equaled 900 calories and 50 grams of fat and your goal was 1200 calories with 60 grams of fat, you wouldn't be losing weight. Maybe you should try it and let me know how well that goes for you.


    It's going fine for many people on this site who eat what they want, stay below cal limits, and lose. try again
  • Vigilance88
    Vigilance88 Posts: 95 Member
    That's not the point. Everyone knows healthy macro balance is better for you. You are saying you can't lose weight if sugar/fat is over the limit, even if you're below your cal limit. Just no.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    You're clueless and btw I don't have time to troll around websites. I'm actually trying to help her out. Maybe you should see a dietician yourself and come back to this page and tell me what they say. She is eating way too much sugar and fat, and that is a fact that she is storing the additional energy. She is NOT on an Atkin's diet where excess fat and even protein is encouraged. Only a high fat/high protein diet with minimum carbs/sugar would cause her to gain weight via gluconeogenesis, but she is eating too many sugar and carbs and therefor storing anything extra. Also many days she exceeded her calories. She should definitely be losing MORE weight. You obviously know nothing on the topic.

    Just to clarify, are you recommending a low carb, low fat and high protein diet? I agree that limiting carbs can be really useful for some people, but I hadn't heard of someone recommending that they lower fat as well. Oftentimes, when someone is suggesting that you lower carbs, the person is also suggesting that you raise fat to higher levels and protein to moderate levels (if no there).

    I'm recommending lowering her fat in accordance to her diet now. She is getting too much fat, sometimes by as much as 20 grams. I'm also telling her that her protein is fine. Her sugar and carbs need to be lowered as well, since her sugar is wayy too high according to her journal and her recommended daily value.

    Okay, but if that's the case, then she'd just be lowering her calories a lot, right? If her protein is the same, and she lowers fat and carbs, she'll be greatly lowering calories altogether?

    Perhaps if you just give an idea of calorie goal and macro breakdown, that would be easier to understand what you're recommending here.
  • ccozzi89
    ccozzi89 Posts: 10 Member
    That's not the point. Everyone knows healthy macro balance is better for you. You are saying you can't lose weight if sugar/fat is over the limit, even if you're below your cal limit. Just no.

    ...aaaaand I have stated that her macro nutrients are NOT balanced. Her fat and sugar is WAY over the limit, that's not anywhere near balanced. I also stated it's not all about calories, probably 100 times on this board. And yes, I am definitely saying that if her macro nutrients (specifically fat and sugar) are over, even if her calories are under, those will be stored as extra energy i.e. FAT
  • tayloripeterson
    tayloripeterson Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you all for your feed back. I want to be clear on one thing. I am NOT on a diet. This is a life style. And for me, it is not possible for me personally to make all of my macro goals every single day, yes there are a few days where I do go over, but who hasn't had a milkshake every once and a while. Its all in moderation. I agree with both sides, I should be eating more vegetables and protein. And weighing my food is a FANTASTIC idea. I will start doing that. I guess that when I started doing this, I would lose weight faster than I am. I am currently 251 pounds, and I am 5 feet 9 inches. SO I am very over weight. And just for a few people peace of mind, I am seeing a MNT (Medical Nutrition Therapist) who is helping me. Thanks for the responses guys :)
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Thank you all for your feed back. I want to be clear on one thing. I am NOT on a diet. This is a life style. And for me, it is not possible for me personally to make all of my macro goals every single day, yes there are a few days where I do go over, but who hasn't had a milkshake every once and a while. Its all in moderation. I agree with both sides, I should be eating more vegetables and protein. And weighing my food is a FANTASTIC idea. I will start doing that. I guess that when I started doing this, I would lose weight faster than I am. I am currently 251 pounds, and I am 5 feet 9 inches. SO I am very over weight. And just for a few people peace of mind, I am seeing a MNT (Medical Nutrition Therapist) who is helping me. Thanks for the responses guys :)

    It may just be a time delay due to water retention issues, so keep that in mind.
  • ccozzi89
    ccozzi89 Posts: 10 Member
    You're clueless and btw I don't have time to troll around websites. I'm actually trying to help her out. Maybe you should see a dietician yourself and come back to this page and tell me what they say. She is eating way too much sugar and fat, and that is a fact that she is storing the additional energy. She is NOT on an Atkin's diet where excess fat and even protein is encouraged. Only a high fat/high protein diet with minimum carbs/sugar would cause her to gain weight via gluconeogenesis, but she is eating too many sugar and carbs and therefor storing anything extra. Also many days she exceeded her calories. She should definitely be losing MORE weight. You obviously know nothing on the topic.

    Just to clarify, are you recommending a low carb, low fat and high protein diet? I agree that limiting carbs can be really useful for some people, but I hadn't heard of someone recommending that they lower fat as well. Oftentimes, when someone is suggesting that you lower carbs, the person is also suggesting that you raise fat to higher levels and protein to moderate levels (if no there).

    I'm recommending lowering her fat in accordance to her diet now. She is getting too much fat, sometimes by as much as 20 grams. I'm also telling her that her protein is fine. Her sugar and carbs need to be lowered as well, since her sugar is wayy too high according to her journal and her recommended daily value.

    Okay, but if that's the case, then she'd just be lowering her calories a lot, right? If her protein is the same, and she lowers fat and carbs, she'll be greatly lowering calories altogether?

    Perhaps if you just give an idea of calorie goal and macro breakdown, that would be easier to understand what you're recommending here.

    I don't know her BMI or weight loss goal so I can't give you exact numbers in terms of what I am recommending. But according to her journal, she is over in sugar and fat. Her protein never exceeds her recommendation (from what I looked at.) What she should be doing is substituting the foods with high sugar and fat with healthy foods that are low in sugar and fat, and still have the same calories. Just because she lowers her sugar and fat doesn't mean she is lowering her calories if she SUBSTITUTES those for healthy options. I know athletes and people who need to gain weight and have been on a 3,000 calorie diet with so-and-so amount of fat (don't remember exactly) and instead of eating white bread and butter for a snack, they eat hummus and whole wheat pita, for example- and that has zero cholesterol, perhaps the same amount of fat and calories. Or choose low fat cottage cheese over low fat fruit yogurt- which usually has more calories but wayy less sugar. Do you get it?
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    That's not the point. Everyone knows healthy macro balance is better for you. You are saying you can't lose weight if sugar/fat is over the limit, even if you're below your cal limit. Just no.

    ...aaaaand I have stated that her macro nutrients are NOT balanced. Her fat and sugar is WAY over the limit, that's not anywhere near balanced. I also stated it's not all about calories, probably 100 times on this board. And yes, I am definitely saying that if her macro nutrients (specifically fat and sugar) are over, even if her calories are under, those will be stored as extra energy i.e. FAT
    What little credibility you had has just gone!