Tat2dMommy Member


  • For me, the tattoos came first. I was skinny when I got my first few tattoos (I was 18) . Then at 24, the baby came and after that came more tattoos and then I decided that my tattoos would look WAY better if I lost weight.
  • No I've never gotten jittery, nauseated when I take them and I don't get any headaches when I don't take them. Maybe because I drink coffee and the coffee helps when I don't take them.
  • Maybe I should just log what I am burning during my brisk walks during break? I barely walk during the time I am at work. I sit alot and only get up to make copies/fax something/go to another persons office. Like today, I walked about .75 miles during each break (11-15 minutes each break) What do you think? I don't want to…