Do you own a HR monitor? I try and check my resting heart rate most mornings as one possible way of diagnosing overtraining is an elevated hr. I've found this to work quite well but the main thing is just listening to your body. I regularly exceed 1500 calories a day for 5-6 days a week but whenever i feel overly tired i…
Good work everyone, Not my best week this week but a busy week of sport ahead should help alot 28/04-30/04 4332 01/05 640 02/05 Rest 03/05 1542 04/05 Rest 05/05 1321 Total 7835
Perhaps there is something else that is causing your evening eating, could be something as simple as boredom. Regarding the exercise the lack of motivation could be caused by getting too stuck in a routine, maybe trying to find some sports or varying your workouts more would help keep it interesting
Im kind of fortunate in that im highly active already so probably get close in general but tracking with my HRM this is my calories so far 28/04 Circuit Training 965 29/04 Field Hockey Practise 1028, Cricket Nets 927 Total 1955 30/04 Squash 1412 Total 4332 Most weeks i end up doing 5-6 days sport/gym at fairly high…
Sounds like something i could enjoy, generally my exercise comes from sport or HiiT so think i must have a fair chance
I have all sorts but if i want to really push doing cardio i put on flux by bloc party. No matter how tired my speed increases to try and match the beat in the background