I'm getting annoyed with myself...

I've been letting my progress slide over the last couple of weeks and I can't seem to get 100% back on track. I usually eat fine until it comes to evening and then I just want to eat everything in sight, I crave chocolate and sweets and its just awful and it leaves me feeling absolutely disgusted with myself. I know the trick of drinking a bunch of water, but it isn't that I'm hungry, its just I get a drive to eat.

I'm really not sure what is causing this, the first couple months of this journey I was fine, no excess desire to binge or anything, but I've also started noticing in the last couple of days that I'm really struggling internally to get myself to go to the gym and workout for 30-60 minutes.

Anyway, I just wanted to get that out there, I'm sure I'm not the first one with this problem and any tips or suggestions would be appreciated. I'm trying to use positive self talk, but its hard when I can hear myself thinking negative things.


  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    Would a physical Pro/Con list help? What are the Pros of going to the gym, what would the Cons be? Do the same for binging on sweets and compare the lists. Include short term and long term consequences.

    I had issues with Bulimia years ago (PLEASE NOTE, I am NOT NOT NOT NOT saying you're bulimic!!!!!!!!!!!!) and one thing I did to keep myself from binging/purging was make a list of things I could do INSTEAD of enter that cycle. Having the list really helped because it was physically there for me to refer to. I've found it works for other things too - rather than engage in ANY unhealthy behavior, I can read a book, crochet, watch a favorite movie, go for a walk, go to the gym, etc.

    Hang in there - you can get through this!
  • igora_soma
    igora_soma Posts: 486
    I know what you mean, I have been not paying as much attention to planning my days. I realized it's because I had a lot of emotional needs that were being neglected. Once I admitted and accepted (almost) where I am I am finding that my drive and will to eat better is so much stronger! Today I've been feeling really full from less food than I normally eat and I am looking forward to working out and playing some Kinect.

    Love yourself and it will come back :)
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Ok my dear, maybe you're lacking something. You said yourself that your a veggie and that you may not eat properly. That's a scary thing, I was a veggie and did it wrong, now I'm all sorts of messed up (mostly I can't handle steak or dairy lol)...another thing, what's your diary like? Maybe you should eat more smaller meals and snacks (5 times a day to keep your metabolism going)...I personally stash carrots and apples in my purse for when I'm feeling like I'm going to crash, or carry a little thing of protein powder with me so I can mix it in water and suck it back. Also PMS has a big thing to do with cravings...I just give in for the day or 2 and then it's over, no sense fighting it lol. If you don't like going to the gym, don't go. I personally find it's the only thing I don't mind doing, but my gym also offers drop in classes like Zumba or aquafit, check to see if you'd be interested in those...or try a softball team or moutain biking. Don't force yourself to do something you don't want to do. I recommend doing some research on line about some veggie recipes and how to eat properly, what kind of supplements to take and what kind of awesome food you can eat (like hemp seed oil or something). That will help you to start with, the rest is easy. Good luck!
  • AGM94
    AGM94 Posts: 6
    Perhaps there is something else that is causing your evening eating, could be something as simple as boredom.

    Regarding the exercise the lack of motivation could be caused by getting too stuck in a routine, maybe trying to find some sports or varying your workouts more would help keep it interesting
  • Brittany1414
    Im the same.... I do great all day and then I come home and eat dinner...walk the dogs and then sit down and just want to eat everything!!!! when Im not even hungry....I really dont know how to handle this yet...Ive just been pushing through and trying to stay busy..Hope this passed for you!
  • cjw6
    cjw6 Posts: 94 Member
    I have the same problem- I'm fine all day then in the evening I am desperate to snack, or have a glass of wine, or have a glass of wine AND snack! Again with me its usually not hunger- I have figured out I am much worse when my hubby is out and I have the house to myself. What helps for me is avoid that time sitting on the sofa watching TV before bed- if I do something (anything, like the ironing, paint my nails, make a phone call etc) it takes my mind off wanting snacks. Its a boredom thing with me really.
    Failing that, having some healthy treats in the cupboard (and NOT having any junk!) really helps- I like low cal hot chocolate drinks for this.