

  • I think the hardest thing to cut out is bread, pasta's etc. I switched to eating sprouted grain bread because it doesn't break down to sugar like normal bread. I still only have 1 piece a day to minimize temptation to other carbs and calorie intake.
  • I would say my biggest victory has been drinking 8 glasses a water EVERY day! This sounds easier than it is-trust me:smile: I have to measure and keep track of how much I've had to make sure I get at least 8 glasses in. I believe it has helped in my weight loss though-so It's worth the work :happy:
  • I would like to congratulate Ryan Woodruff for losing close to 20 pounds in 2 months! I haven't seen him in a while and was amazed when I saw him yesterday. Great job Ryan-keep up the great work!:wink:
  • Julie, One thing i do to ensure I get my daily water intake is using a straw. I know it sounds crazy but I drink more water this way:smile: I also agree with adding lemon; it makes it less "boring". Good luck !
  • One thing that I eat is sprouted grain bread instead of the normal low fat, low calorie breads. Sprouted grain bread isn't made with any flour and it tastes just the same :) It's kept in the freezer section at stores because there are no preservatives and has a low shelf life unless it's kept frozen or refrigerated. There…
  • I also rely on social media-this message board primarily this time :) I also remember the number on the scale isn't what I want it to be and in order to change that, I have to eat right and excercise. Every day is a struggle. sigh :( So keep the posts coming with encouragement, helpful hints and tools everyone.
  • I am Michele Banes, Client Relationship Manager at the Plaza office in Mishawaka :smile: I want to wish everyone good luck in reaching your personal weight loss or other healthy goals you have set for the challenge and this year!
  • Hey Jenny, I'm interested in the link also :)
  • My story is similiar to everyone elses also. I am always "dieting" and never losing weight, sigh :( I walk, fast paced, 2 miles at least 4 times a week on a treadmill and still no loss. I went for my annual physical in January and discussed this with my doctor and was amazed when she told me the new excercise "standard"…
  • It's going slow for me too :( uugghh