"As far as exercise, I have an extremely high heart rate when resting 105 to 110 and I am scared to push myself for fear of having a stroke or heart attack". You don't have to do to an extreme workout to lose weight. Start with walking, I recommend Leslie Sanson. Check out her site at Most people think…
I love the Insanity Proatmeal receipe. 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1 scoop of protein powder (I use chocolate/strawberry), 1/4 cup of berries topped off with chopped walnuts. Very Yummy!
I started Insanity last year and have done three rounds. I work full time, married, and have a toddler. If you want something bad enough you will find the time. In order to get my workouts done, I woke up at 4:00am to get my workouts in before everyone else woke up and before work. The first month workouts are 40 minutes…
Thanks for sharing. I will have to try this on Saturday morning! Yummy!
I read somewhere that you pee it out! :tongue:
Here we go again :bigsmile: Might as well make the popcorn now...:drinker:
I agree with this! Also, if you need to build muscle with no access to weights do squats, lunges, wall squats, and calf raises to name a few that would help.
I also had this problem with my Polar FT7 after about 4 months of use. I also washed the strap in the washing machine but this did not correct the problem. Turns out I needed a new battery for the heart rate sensor.
Please note that muscle does not weigh more than fat but is more dense that fat. Here is a great article on understanding why you are losing inches but not weight.
First of all good job completing 13 days of Insanity, that's an accomplishment in it's self. I know plenty of people who have started and never got that far. I completed three rounds of Insanity last year to lose 30 pounds. The first round I lost a lot of inches but hardly any weight. For my second round I joined MFP and…
The OP wanted to know "is there something I don't know about these magical, delicious creations that everyone else knows"? There is nothing magical about them, I provided what they are sugar. Nothing more nothing less. If you want to eat them fine, like anything else moderation is the key. Considering they contain almost…
Let’s look at what’s inside regular strawberry Pop-Tarts. The ingredients list includes (in order by weight): White flour; ***NOT a complex carb*** Corn syrup (i.e. sugar); High-fructose corn syrup (ditto); Oil; (and if you haven’t had enough sugar…) Sugar Any questions? See :…
I agree!!
I was very fortunate in not have to take loans to pay for my education however when I went to college it was CHEAP compared to tuition now. There is no way I could afford to go now. don't think that forgiveness is the answer because you knew you had to pay back your loan when you took it out. I do think that the rates…
You might want to read the article I provided below about women lifting heavy. To say that it does more for men than women is just plain wrong!
^^THIS^^ I have also done TONS of research and what info she gave you is nutrition/workout advice 101. Things are constantly changing and new better science comes along all time. All I can say is take what you will from all sorts of different sources and do what works for you. Don't think one person has all the answers.…
There are several reasons as to why this occurs, one being you may not be eating enough calories. If you are not feeding your body properly your body starts to conserve and shut down certain systems , one of the first ones will be heating your body. Better this than shutting down vital organs! I notice when I up my…
[[/quote] I was tracking sugar but replaced it with fiber because I've been told that I need high fiber if I'm eating high protein. lol [/quote] Yes, but your not eating high protiein :wink: If you eat plenty of granola, fruits and veggies your fiber will be fine!
Then I would go for it! Like others have stated, you can always modify. Good Luck to you!!
I'm not one to be considered with "more to love":wink: however I did do three rounds of Insanity last year and lost 25 lbs. I'm curious to know if you have done any other homework outs or if this is going to be your first? The reason i ask is because Insanity is considered to be for people who are a little more advanced in…
I agree with other posters here. You need way more protein and much less carbs especially since your workout routine seems to be focused on building muscle and less cardio. Also, try to avoid processed foods, "sugar/fat free" items, go with more natural foods. Get away from boxed/packaged foods. Edit: I also would track…
Great article...
I average 125g-150g of protein a day depending on my workouts! If I were you, I would actually up your intake but like a previous poster mentioned each of us is different. I notice weight gain when I eat a lot of grains and dairy so I limit those things, protein and fats work for me. Diana
So, you all should love this current ad, it's a little controversial in the "runners world"
You can buy Shakology directly from the company, no need to go through "pushy sales people". I buy a lot of other suppliments on line directly from the company, you can do the same with this one if you choose to. Diana
I currently have a job but have been applying to several different positions the past three years with no success. I then applied for my dream job, I blew the phone interview or so I thought however was selected to interview in person. With the previous interviews I prepared answers I thought would be "professional" and…
- more pics and we'll let you know if you are!!
I never thought I could have children and had my precious baby boy at age 45. I didn't know what I was missing and how much I could love someone! I gained 60lbs, three years later I'm back in shape and 5lbs lighter than I was. If you want it bad enough there is NO EXCUSE. I get up at 4:00am to workout because I work full…
I also work full time and have a three year old. I get up at 4:00am and workout. I rather like the time by myself and no one bothers me. I make sure my son eats what I do so no making special meals unless I have a salad, he's kinda young for that! :laugh: Diana