SCHippieChick Member


  • I made a dog tag (pink heart) at one of those machines at the store. It has my name and my husband's phone number. It is attached through the laces of my sneaker so I can't forget to put it on.
  • I would probably eat whatever was made for me, as I am not good with confrontations or temptation. However, if I was worried about going too far over my calories for the day, I might just tell the person that I ate already and would like to save it for later. Just because it is given it to you doesn't mean you have to eat…
  • 3 miles this morning, goal of 50 - will work on a ticker
  • My name is Brigid and I live on an island in South Carolina. I am a Yankee and use words like 'groovy' in normal conversation. I am 40 & married with 2 teenage boys. I took up jogging several years ago, but I didn't train well and ended up hurting myself. I wanted to keep moving, so I became a Walker. I have done the…
  • I walk/jog in intervals. I walked a 1/2 marathon last year, and am doing 2 later this year. I want to get to where I can walk/jog (or jog/walk :happy: ) the entire way. I'm in for 50 miles for May.
  • I am gluten-sensitive. I was told I had IBS, but given no direction other than "Eat more fiber." I couldn't figure out why I still felt uncomfortable when I ate lots of Shredded Wheat and Fiber One bars. I took a magazine quiz that suggested I might have gluten-sensitivity, so I tried gluten-free for a month. All of a…
  • I realize you posted this almost a year ago but THANK YOU!! My son LOVEs making cakes from the Cake Doctor books. I will definitely be buying the GF book.