

  • Welcome! I had tried another site for a while and this one is by far the best! The amount of items in the search category is amazing and I have never had to add anything in myself - it's all there! It's the best way to hold yourself accountable but it does take discipline and work to keep it up. I still struggle from day…
  • Great job! I have just started jogging a bit on the treadmill for the first time since I can remember. I'm still at the 2 minutes each timeframe but hope to be where you are soon. Keep up the great work. Feels good huh????
  • A wake up call for sure. Thanks for sharing though as it is a wake up call for me too. This is just a bump in the journey. Keep eyeing the goal and you'll get there. Our lives are already much better for sticking to this and making the life change. It just take one day at a time right?!