A wake up call!

Hi friends,
I had visited a hospital yesterday afternoon for a free medical 9 point check up. Basically they asked me to stand on the digital weighing scale. After keying in my height and age, the machine release a frequency to gauge a couple of readings. In my heart, I was pretty confident that the readings would be somewhat ok .. not very ok, but ok nonetheless. I mean, after all it's been 5 months since I started exercising and watching my food intake, etc.

Boy was I so wrong. I hope you all are sitting down as you read the below readings.

Weight: 103.5kgs (229 lbs) - a drop from 120 kgs (264 lbs in Sept 09)
BMI 38.5 (a drop from 42 in Sept 09)
BMR 1632 kcal (this is the calorie my body burns at rest) - not bad I would think!
Impedance 507 (the ability for the body to absord water - the higher the reading , the better the absorption, which also will indicate the lower the fat level in the body) - so in my case, it's not a good reading!
Body Fat % 68.6% (what???????) Normal is between 20-27% for female
Fat Mass 71kg (what????????) Normal is between 8-12kg for female

My targeted body fat % is 23%

Based on my height, the predicted weight for a healthy BMI is 42.2 kgs (what????? I was only aiming to go down to 80kgs!)

Predicted fat mass (based on predicted weight) is 9.7kg


Wow, It was definitely a wake up call! I never expected to have another average sized person in me, completely made out of FAT!

I was feeling very down after the consultation, but I am looking at it positively. I just have to put in a lot extra now, and take it a day at a time.

The reason I wrote this is to give awareness. For those of you here who are embarking on a healthy lifestyle change, I would highly recommend that you go for a 9 point test (the above test). It tells you a lot about what's going on inside of you.

Needless to say, I am scheduling for a full medical checkup in a month or 2 to drill down further on my condition. I am optimistic, but at the same time, I can't help but feel it's going to be a bumpy road ahead of me.

Thanks for reading y'all.


  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Hang in there. You've done really great so far.
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    You're doing all the right stuff. Sounds to me you are just being realistic about who you are and where you want to be. Good luck out there.
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    You're doing all the right stuff. Sounds to me you are just being realistic about who you are and where you want to be. Good luck out there.
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    Yeah you have done well so far. I mean i was over 200 at one point. Those readings should not have been that much of a shock. This is a long hard process. I always see you on here. That is more than some people. Just think what you will look like next year. You also lost a lot already. You are on your way.
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    Even though the numbers weren't what you had hoped for, you came a long way in only 3 months. You can do it! This is a lifestyle change, and bit by bit you'll get there. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • kassyk
    kassyk Posts: 14
    Keep up the great work you will reach your goals to be healthy all in time never overnight to be a life change
  • Alexandra888
    You dont look that big in your pic? But i kind of know how you feel. When i was 12/13 years old, i thought i was pretty cute. Always had the cutest clothes, hair, makeup, etc., and didnt think i was that big... until i saw a group picture with me and all my friends. I was noticeably the biggest one. I weighed 158 pounds... and im 5'2... and at the age of 13????? I felt sooo horrible. Felt almost disgusting. But im glad i saw that picture because i wouldnt be where i am today if i hadnt had my wake up call. So think of this as a good thing!!! And you dont want to lose weight... you want to be healthy! Those results, sorry to say, dont sound good. So i hope this site helps motivate you and keep you on the right path. Good luck with your weight loss and dont get stressed out or feel bad! Its only temporary. :)
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
  • jeanbk
    A wake up call for sure. Thanks for sharing though as it is a wake up call for me too. This is just a bump in the journey. Keep eyeing the goal and you'll get there. Our lives are already much better for sticking to this and making the life change. It just take one day at a time right?!