

  • im 23! looking for some new people to get tips from! add me!
  • i just started and i had a cheat snack it said i gained a pound i was so upset and pissed... but i remembered stopping my diet isnt going to make things better nor make me smaller... i set little goal 10 pounds at a time and once i get there ill buy something i want like new shoes or body shaper or something!
  • goodluck! i started last week ordered my fitbitzip too! i just been doing meal replacement (totallean) to be exact and ive lost 4 pounds already no workout yet i been lazy really just do 55 situp and ectt a day... honestly now i can cook and not want to eat the same thing as my family it feels amazing because ive done…
    in Hello Comment by Kiara2170 May 2014
  • i was thinking of doing total lean 7 day fast lost ive done it before but never finished it , i also bought the total lean 25 and never followed up.... now i want to just dont know if i should get the 7 day fast lost or the lean 25, any ideas?
  • i love this idea im def going to try this!:smile:
  • looking for support! ive done tons of diets and give up feeling kind of bumed!