

I have registered with MFP many times and thought that the app on my phone meant I would lose weight with no effort.

However, I have now decided to really go for it. Have brought a shiny new FitBit, joined the gym and am going to get rid of this extra 90 odd lbs that I carry around with me.

I started the C25K yesterday at the gym and followed it with a few kettle bell side lifts and 12 lengths of the pool.

This morning I did the 15 minutes Cardio section of the latest Davina DVD. The first time in 37 years that I have ever put an exercise DVD in my player!!

So am determined!!

I have also ordered a box of Juice Plus as want to give it a try if nothing else to make me feel better as my colleagues at work say it is giving them limitless energy!!

All this round a hubby and 2 kids....



  • FitMom136
    FitMom136 Posts: 720 Member
    That's awesome!! Determination is a powerful feeling! I also do some home DVDs and have a membership at a YMCA. I just love group exercise classes. People motivate people. :) you got this
  • sezziejm
    sezziejm Posts: 147 Member
    Hey , Wow... You are truely determined ... well done. I also use a fitbit (flex) along with Mapmywalk & Leslie Sansone workout vid's on you-tube. I love kettlebell workouts, although I must admit I haven't done any lately... but they're def on my to-do list :smile:
    Good Luck in your journey ... although I think you've got it sussed already :wink:
    Feel free to add me as a friend
  • Kiara2170
    Kiara2170 Posts: 6
    goodluck! i started last week ordered my fitbitzip too! i just been doing meal replacement (totallean) to be exact and ive lost 4 pounds already no workout yet i been lazy really just do 55 situp and ectt a day...

    honestly now i can cook and not want to eat the same thing as my family it feels amazing because ive done diets before but never really did it

    i guess you just have to want it bad enough! xoxo