I'm not completely vegan but I practice a lifestyle with limited animal protein. The items I use sparingly is Greek yogurt, fish, eggs, and lean poultry. I may have one or two servings a day though. Everyone's body is different. For me, when I decided to go limited Vegan, the results were immediate: less bloating, less…
You are AMAZING! Good work and good way of keeping up with your progress!!!!
- usual. Going to the water fountain and when people aren't looking, will start tapping to get it out my system.
Thanks so much for the information! I think I am going to make sure I add at least one Yoga workout into my weekly routine. I already have the P90X Yoga DVD so I think I will start there until I find some different options. The P90X DVD REALLY kicked my butt!
That sounds wonderful. Congrats on all your success! I was thinking if anything, the easiest thing for me would take one day and just do Yoga as you mentioned, since my workouts are already long. This is encouraging that you have seen some gains because what has prevented me is the thought that only one day a week wouldn't…
Thanks! Maybe I will do that. I really love Pilates for what it does for my butt/abs though :-( It would be so hard to give it up! But again thanks for the suggestion. I have NEVER been flexible so this is on my bucket list, so to speak. And um, ST? What is that? lol
Thanks for the info. Have you been able to make flexibility gains with just the 10 minutes after you run? I am considering that but I want to make sure I do enough that its effective.
Oops, number 4 should say PILATES instead of abs twice.
I have been toying back and forth with my splits and how often I weight train. Start with something you like and after 6 weeks, change it up a little, then change it again. Eventually you will find out what works for you best and what gives you the results you need. It will continue to evolve as you get more skilled,…
Yes its a Vodka Gimlet! I don't ask for it like that though because as a bartender, I sometimes get tripped up by the official "names" of things. Try not to do that to others lol. Even though Gimlet is one everyone should know lol
Roses Lime Juice is common, or just ask for sweetened lime juice. The official name is a Gimlet. You can use pretty much any liquor (tequila, rum, whiskey) and I find its very tasty with all of them.
My go to cocktail is vodka with a splash of Roses Lime Juice. If I have the extra calories, I will use a cherry vodka. Vodka is about 60 cals and a splash of Roses goes a LONG way since it's concentrated. No more than a tablespoon can do the trick. Make sure to order it with a water back and you're golden! (and buzzed…
This is terrible! I could roll my eyes at a lot more people in the gym like the 20 guys at one bench working in sets. That's a whole lot of running your mouth, rest time and bull****ting IMO but opinions are like *kitten*. *shrug*
You women are truly inspirational! More incentive to keep lifting and lifting heavy!
Excellent progress! Keep it up!
Wonderful progress and wonderful tips! Thanks!
Yes! You go girl! Congrats. The scale is unforgiving, so YES, throw it out!
You are amazing! BF% are a load of crap in my opinion, get low but not being in the range isn't a measure of how well you've done. I mean look at your progress and that bod! You rock!
You look amazing! Excellent work! I see some abs creaping in there! I haven't been limiting fruit lately because I am trying out juicing for breakfast for the next 30 days. I will say that I too, lay off the fruit otherwise. Even sugar from those sources can wreck havoc. You have a very balanced approach and no wonder you…
I realize that I'm the OP and didn't even bother posting my own PROGRESS pics. And I say PROGRESS because I'm not there yet! Here's another photo that shows after/before picture, although its a little blurry. This gives a better idea of my body type, Endomorph. The picture on the right in red is the before. As you can see,…
I think from the research I have done, Endomorph has less to do with the number on the scale but how our bodies respond to diet and excercise. Meaning, even with the most effort, our body holds on to fat stubbornly and therfore our bodies don't respond as quicly as other types do. Even those who have done extreme dieting…
Excellent work!!!
You go girl! Awesome progress!
This is really awesome! I see now patience is my issue, I am following all the steps as far as excercise and diet is concerned. Guess I need to come back and post some afters eventually. Slow and steady does win the race...especially if you are an Endomorph :-) I'll take a Beyonce booty any day! :-)
I believe in balanced diets as well. I actually practice abstinence when it comes to refined sugars. I know that is an extreme for some but I have a very bad sugar sensitivity, and the only way I could break the emotional and physical hold was to eliminate altogether. The emotional hold was the primary reason, the physical…
I am still playing with my macros, so I am not committed to the 45 on the protein. However, my body responds very strongly to carbs and I found that I have better results with high protein. Thankfully I don't play around when I lift. I lift heavy, often and HARD.
Excellent work! You look amazing. Lets be friends fellow Endomorph! I am so encouraged to know that I am doing all the things everyone is suggesting (except maybe that PATIENCE muscle lol). What are you macros? I'm 45P/30F/25C. Reaching protein goal, and staying under carb goals are the most difficult.
Wow, 252 to are amazing! Good job! I have my calorie macros pretty low, 1200, but that's just now because I am trying to cut. I plan on adding more calories into the equation though.