

  • Thanks for the tips!
  • Hello! Im new to MFP as well. I'm a girl in her 20s, about to be a college grad (yay!) and Im looking for people to support me (as well as support others!) in this weight loss journey. Feel free to add me!
  • Hi! Im Jessie, 21, from DC & I have always had weight problems my whole life but it got really bad in college. I had lost a bunch of weight my second year but gradually gained it all back PLUS extra by my senior year (which i'm in now) My ultimate goal is to lose 100 pounds but I KEEP losing focus and reverting to old…
  • Hello! I am new to MFP but have a big amount to lose as well (about 100 pounds). I'd love to join the journey with you! I feel like If I have people to talk to and we can motivate each other, there will be better results. I had lost weight before and I'm now starting over and I DO NOT wanna have a repeat and start all over…