

  • Thanks for all the advice. I'm looking forward to others' input, too. If nothing else, it's great knowing I'm not alone!!! I always thought I just had a unique issue. During the weekdays it's not so bad, but on the weekends, I'm a Boy Scout leader and spend a lot of time hiking & camping. It ain't so easy for the female…
  • Thanks for the advice, everyone. :smile:
  • Thanks for your encouragement. So far, I'm at 13 lbs. lost and he's at 6, I think. Still fighting the chocolate/sweet cravings. It's SO HARD walking past that candy aisle!!
  • Totally feel your frustration. I'm twice your age and have always struggled with weight. Was always "the pudgy kid" in school. But, I walked right by the chocolate displays at the grocery store today, so I've decided to use the AA philosophies of taking it "one day at a time." Good luck! You're not alone.