

  • This is my second time losing a lot of weight, my millionth time losing 'some' weight. The first time I dropped the weight quickly, and stupidly eating 600 or less calories a day and I became totally manic about the scale. I not only weighed myself every day, I weighed myself 100 times a day and the wrong numbers sent me…
  • I have had the exact same question. I change up my exercise routine every day and several of my workouts include cardio workouts that utilize resistance bands or various strength bungie chords. Also, my new favorite to really kick my butt, kettlenetics , which combines cardio and the use of a kettlebell. Searching through…
  • Thanks for the challenge...on a day normally filled with seemingly endless temptations, I avoided them all, stuck to my healthy eating for the day. I did my kettlenetics DVD in the AM, weight lifting this afternoon and a killer spinning workout tonight. It's fantastic to get to the end of the day on a Saturday and be…
  • I'm IN! Saturday's are always tough for me because of the easy access to food, but the extra free time means more time available to workout. This challenge could be just what I need to get me through the day. :happy: