busnotepress Member


  • 99% big-box chains right now (in Los Angeles), but will hopefully improve! The non-chain restaurants only list a few items from their menu. Signed up for the app.
  • I just worked on an infomercial for "dietary supplements." Bottom line, it's all speed, natural or otherwise. Worked great for Judy Garland ... oh yeah, never mind. Anyone can lose weight with proper nutrition and exercise; the only magic ingredient is your desire and determination. All the so-called weight loss "programs"…
  • I think that walking downhill is as laborious as walking on a flat - at least. So I'd take half the walk as "walking uphill." That said, I use Runkeeper on my phone to track calories burned, and (when it works) it ALWAYS comes in with less calories burned than the My Fitness Pal "estimates." So perhaps they are a bit…