Q:"Walking" vs "Walking uphill" Calorie counting

I'm not sure how to log my exercise when I walk because I live in hilly neighborhood. "Walking" burns 208 calories, while "Walking uphill" burns 377. Same speed for the same amount of time. Big difference in calories.

What do you think?

(Am I wrong in thinking that "Walking uphill" is walking on a treadmill with an incline? Does "Walking uphill" actually mean walking in a hilly area?)


  • KayJayKing
    KayJayKing Posts: 53 Member
    And, thanks!
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    You know I'd just go with the walking.... Where I am is ultra hilly and what goes up must go down so I feel that it cancels each other out. IMHO
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Well, when I go hiking on dirt trails up in the hills I log it as hiking, cross-country. It can be kind of strenuous though. I'm not sure what kind of inclines you get...
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    before i had my hrm, i would spilt my time between 'walking uphill' and 'walking' when i walked in a hilly area :) so if i walked for 40 minutes i would put in 20 minutes for each...or you could just count everything under 'walking' just to be safe figuring the difference as a 'bonus burn' :)
  • busnotepress
    busnotepress Posts: 3 Member
    I think that walking downhill is as laborious as walking on a flat - at least. So I'd take half the walk as "walking uphill." That said, I use Runkeeper on my phone to track calories burned, and (when it works) it ALWAYS comes in with less calories burned than the My Fitness Pal "estimates." So perhaps they are a bit optimistic?

    BTW GOOD JOB ... every pound is a challenge!
  • KayJayKing
    KayJayKing Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks for the input! I appreciate it!