

  • When a comic makes a joke, there is no INTENT to harm anyone. INTENT is often perceived by those with either no sense of humor or an issue that they are dealing with. In other's not the comic that has the problem, it's the person who interprets the joke that often has a problem. Has anyone ever watched a comic…
  • I'm new here but the best advice you can take is eat whole foods. Avoid foods with GMO's. GMO's are genetically modified organisms. Avoid slimfast and alot of those fake health bar shams too. Learn to enjoy your food, eat 6 small meals each day (no bigger than the size of your fist) and you'll feel alot better. The weight…
  • This stuff is pretty good. We've switched to alot of GMO free foods and it's made a difference.
  • I think we all need to lighten with this PC nonsense. Comics like George Lopez have been doing what you guys perceive as crass/insulting for years. It's the nature of the business. Everyone is just dying to be offended and jumps at the opportunity of defending someone else when they take umbrage. There's a great…
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