I need help. :(



  • TexasGirl92
    TexasGirl92 Posts: 76 Member
    Maybe some calorie dense foods that are better for you and you wouldn't feel bad for eating them. Nuts or a natural peanut butter, maybe small amounts of dried fruits.
  • sportsman19
    To anyone that's one of my friends on here, I'm sure you've seen my posts, and the responses concerning my calorie intake vs. my amount of exercise.

    My Net is often in the negative all day. And I have a very hard time getting it back up to positive, and I sure can't manage to get it to 1200.

    What I'm asking for is someone to talk to. Someone to give me positive advice. And not try to scare me.
    I appreciate all the support I'm getting from everyone here, you are all AMAZING people.

    I'm just starting to get worried when I hear everyone drop words like "hospital, IV, anorexia."
    I love exercising, and I never realized too much of it could be a bad thing.

    But the positive thing is, I realize I have a problem.
    And I am asking for advice.

    I greatly appreciate any and all help I can get.

    Thank you guys!

    I'm new here but the best advice you can take is eat whole foods. Avoid foods with GMO's. GMO's are genetically modified organisms. Avoid slimfast and alot of those fake health bar shams too. Learn to enjoy your food, eat 6 small meals each day (no bigger than the size of your fist) and you'll feel alot better. The weight will come off.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Thank you. I am not really able to get to a professional, which is why I'm gathering advice, and doing my research as well.
    The gym isn't the problem, I don't think.
    I loooooove working out. I never used to, and that's why I'm overweight in the first place.
    But now, it's my favorite part of the day.
    I don't want to work out less, or stop working out.
    It's just the food I'm worried about.
    I don't really know how to eat healthy.
    And that's what I'm trying to learn. :)

    you'll get there. small steps, and only one step at a time. it's great that you like working out, but you can't punish your body by not giving it what it needs to make it through those cherished work outs! eating more calories doesn't mean you have to eat junk food, you can def get to your NEEDED calorie goal by still eating healthy things, thing you won't feelt guilty for eating! If you skim through the recipes on MFP you can find some REALLY amazing, healthy dishes... you'll really feel like you're treating yourself, but you can also feel comfortable knowing that it's a healthy dish and that it's NOT hurting your goals at all! =)

    Hey thanks! I haven't looked at the receipes at all. That's an awesome idea.
    I'd like to learn how to cook. I'm just afraid of burning my house down!
    Should I be burning less calories? I mean, if I spend 30 minutes on the bike instead of 30 on the elliptical, I'll burn less calories, but still get my time. I don't know. I just don't want to get severely sick.
    I wish I had a mom that would teach me these things. Ugh. :(
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Maybe some calorie dense foods that are better for you and you wouldn't feel bad for eating them. Nuts or a natural peanut butter, maybe small amounts of dried fruits.

    I'm going to go buy some nuts this weekend. I keep forgetting!
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    Thank you. I am not really able to get to a professional, which is why I'm gathering advice, and doing my research as well.
    The gym isn't the problem, I don't think.
    I loooooove working out. I never used to, and that's why I'm overweight in the first place.
    But now, it's my favorite part of the day.
    I don't want to work out less, or stop working out.
    It's just the food I'm worried about.
    I don't really know how to eat healthy.
    And that's what I'm trying to learn. :)

    you'll get there. small steps, and only one step at a time. it's great that you like working out, but you can't punish your body by not giving it what it needs to make it through those cherished work outs! eating more calories doesn't mean you have to eat junk food, you can def get to your NEEDED calorie goal by still eating healthy things, thing you won't feelt guilty for eating! If you skim through the recipes on MFP you can find some REALLY amazing, healthy dishes... you'll really feel like you're treating yourself, but you can also feel comfortable knowing that it's a healthy dish and that it's NOT hurting your goals at all! =)

    Hey thanks! I haven't looked at the receipes at all. That's an awesome idea.
    I'd like to learn how to cook. I'm just afraid of burning my house down!
    Should I be burning less calories? I mean, if I spend 30 minutes on the bike instead of 30 on the elliptical, I'll burn less calories, but still get my time. I don't know. I just don't want to get severely sick.
    I wish I had a mom that would teach me these things. Ugh. :(

    That is an EXCELLENT idea, and you came up with it all on your own love! YOU GOT THIS!

    What I'm thinking is... until you get comfortable with your eating habits and figure out how to get the calories you NEED and feel comfortable with that... you probably should burn less. But you're right, don't excercise less, just don't do the SUPER intense stuff all the time! If you're gonna go to the gym and hit the elliptical hard for an hour, maybe just WALK on the treadmill for an hour instead... still exercising, still doing what you love to do, but not punishing your body so much!
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Thank you. I am not really able to get to a professional, which is why I'm gathering advice, and doing my research as well.
    The gym isn't the problem, I don't think.
    I loooooove working out. I never used to, and that's why I'm overweight in the first place.
    But now, it's my favorite part of the day.
    I don't want to work out less, or stop working out.
    It's just the food I'm worried about.
    I don't really know how to eat healthy.
    And that's what I'm trying to learn. :)

    you'll get there. small steps, and only one step at a time. it's great that you like working out, but you can't punish your body by not giving it what it needs to make it through those cherished work outs! eating more calories doesn't mean you have to eat junk food, you can def get to your NEEDED calorie goal by still eating healthy things, thing you won't feelt guilty for eating! If you skim through the recipes on MFP you can find some REALLY amazing, healthy dishes... you'll really feel like you're treating yourself, but you can also feel comfortable knowing that it's a healthy dish and that it's NOT hurting your goals at all! =)

    Hey thanks! I haven't looked at the receipes at all. That's an awesome idea.
    I'd like to learn how to cook. I'm just afraid of burning my house down!
    Should I be burning less calories? I mean, if I spend 30 minutes on the bike instead of 30 on the elliptical, I'll burn less calories, but still get my time. I don't know. I just don't want to get severely sick.
    I wish I had a mom that would teach me these things. Ugh. :(

    That is an EXCELLENT idea, and you came up with it all on your own love! YOU GOT THIS!

    What I'm thinking is... until you get comfortable with your eating habits and figure out how to get the calories you NEED and feel comfortable with that... you probably should burn less. But you're right, don't excercise less, just don't do the SUPER intense stuff all the time! If you're gonna go to the gym and hit the elliptical hard for an hour, maybe just WALK on the treadmill for an hour instead... still exercising, still doing what you love to do, but not punishing your body so much!

    You keep saying "punishing".
    To me it feels like rewarding my body by exercising!
    I absolutely love it.
    The treadmill bores me, though.
    I love the elliptical, the stair-runner, and the bike for a cool down.
    I'm just scared if I burn less calories, then I won't lose weight.
    Ugh. Sometimes I hate my brain. :(
    But I totally feel like you're a big sister. Thank you for being here for me. :)
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    Thank you. I am not really able to get to a professional, which is why I'm gathering advice, and doing my research as well.
    The gym isn't the problem, I don't think.
    I loooooove working out. I never used to, and that's why I'm overweight in the first place.
    But now, it's my favorite part of the day.
    I don't want to work out less, or stop working out.
    It's just the food I'm worried about.
    I don't really know how to eat healthy.
    And that's what I'm trying to learn. :)

    you'll get there. small steps, and only one step at a time. it's great that you like working out, but you can't punish your body by not giving it what it needs to make it through those cherished work outs! eating more calories doesn't mean you have to eat junk food, you can def get to your NEEDED calorie goal by still eating healthy things, thing you won't feelt guilty for eating! If you skim through the recipes on MFP you can find some REALLY amazing, healthy dishes... you'll really feel like you're treating yourself, but you can also feel comfortable knowing that it's a healthy dish and that it's NOT hurting your goals at all! =)

    Hey thanks! I haven't looked at the receipes at all. That's an awesome idea.
    I'd like to learn how to cook. I'm just afraid of burning my house down!
    Should I be burning less calories? I mean, if I spend 30 minutes on the bike instead of 30 on the elliptical, I'll burn less calories, but still get my time. I don't know. I just don't want to get severely sick.
    I wish I had a mom that would teach me these things. Ugh. :(

    That is an EXCELLENT idea, and you came up with it all on your own love! YOU GOT THIS!

    What I'm thinking is... until you get comfortable with your eating habits and figure out how to get the calories you NEED and feel comfortable with that... you probably should burn less. But you're right, don't excercise less, just don't do the SUPER intense stuff all the time! If you're gonna go to the gym and hit the elliptical hard for an hour, maybe just WALK on the treadmill for an hour instead... still exercising, still doing what you love to do, but not punishing your body so much!

    You keep saying "punishing".
    To me it feels like rewarding my body by exercising!
    I absolutely love it.
    The treadmill bores me, though.
    I love the elliptical, the stair-runner, and the bike for a cool down.
    I'm just scared if I burn less calories, then I won't lose weight.
    Ugh. Sometimes I hate my brain. :(
    But I totally feel like you're a big sister. Thank you for being here for me. :)

    the exercise isn't so much the 'punishing' part as the not eating enough, but you'll get there! Just stay on the track you're on now... seeking advice and researching and you WILL get it all in order!