I need help. :(

To anyone that's one of my friends on here, I'm sure you've seen my posts, and the responses concerning my calorie intake vs. my amount of exercise.

My Net is often in the negative all day. And I have a very hard time getting it back up to positive, and I sure can't manage to get it to 1200.

What I'm asking for is someone to talk to. Someone to give me positive advice. And not try to scare me.
I appreciate all the support I'm getting from everyone here, you are all AMAZING people.

I'm just starting to get worried when I hear everyone drop words like "hospital, IV, anorexia."
I love exercising, and I never realized too much of it could be a bad thing.

But the positive thing is, I realize I have a problem.
And I am asking for advice.

I greatly appreciate any and all help I can get.

Thank you guys!


  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    You can friend me if you like, and I'll do my best to answer questions--I'm not a professional or anything, just somewhat knowlegable from having read and tried things. One thing you'll need to do is to make your food diary public so people can see where you're at and what kinds of things to suggest.
  • barbosa22
    barbosa22 Posts: 178 Member
    Well, actually you need at least 1200 calories to funtion properly. If you feel fine, then don't worry. When u start to feel sick and have headaches, then you have to eat some more.
    Aw girl, I didnt mean to scare you! I'm glad you realize you need to do something! No need to stop working out, maybe try snacking throughout the day,
    your breakfast this morning will definitely put you on the right track! I realize your schedule doesnt help. So if you wake up at lunch time, you eat dinner, and so you are only getting 2 meals a day? make them high cal meals! Maybe you'll have to alter your meal times, breakfast at 12, dinner at, say 4-5, have another meal around 9 if you are going to go to bed so late..
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Aw girl, I didnt mean to scare you! I'm glad you realize you need to do something! No need to stop working out, maybe try snacking throughout the day,
    your breakfast this morning will definitely put you on the right track! I realize your schedule doesnt help. So if you wake up at lunch time, you eat dinner, and so you are only getting 2 meals a day? make them high cal meals! Maybe you'll have to alter your meal times, breakfast at 12, dinner at, say 4-5, have another meal around 9 if you are going to go to bed so late..

    I've been trying to do that.
    Or at least drink a slim fast during work or something to get the extra calories.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Well, actually you need at least 1200 calories to funtion properly. If you feel fine, then don't worry. When u start to feel sick and have headaches, then you have to eat some more.

    I can't tell if my headaches are from lack of sleep, or lack of food.
  • barbosa22
    barbosa22 Posts: 178 Member
    You can try some protein shakes for after your workouts. That'll and some calories
  • barbosa22
    barbosa22 Posts: 178 Member
    Well, actually you need at least 1200 calories to funtion properly. If you feel fine, then don't worry. When u start to feel sick and have headaches, then you have to eat some more.

    I can't tell if my headaches are from lack of sleep, or lack of food.

    I get headaches, but I think mine are from not sleeping enough.
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    I didn't mean to scare you either! I'm sorry!

    But I am definitely here for you!!!!!!
  • emaybe
    emaybe Posts: 187 Member
    If you're taking in at least 1200 calories (even if your net is in the negative from exercise) and you feel fine, then I wouldn't worry about it too much. If you're not hitting that number, try snacking on foods that are calorie-dense, like nuts, granola bars, juices, et cetera. Protein shakes are also a great way to bump up your calories if you're not hungry. :)
    I like to keep ice cream around for days when my net is below 1200, I just scoop out some ice cream and enjoy :)
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    Your headaches are probably a combination of lack of sleep and lack of food.

    Try adding nutrient rich foods to your diet ... I love an avocado - I just slice it in half and have pico de gallo with it. Lots of calories and good fats. I also eat a Clif bar protein bar about an hour before a workout to give me the energy. You definitely need to get your net calories up to 1200 a day. Good luck and feel free to friend me if you want.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I didn't mean to scare you either! I'm sorry!

    But I am definitely here for you!!!!!!

    Thank you.
    I know you are. :)
    You're probably going to be one of the people I lean on the most, so you better be prepared!
    Haha. :)
    And it's not you guys that are scaring me.
    It's more my own thinking that's freaking me out.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I like to keep ice cream around for days when my net is below 1200, I just scoop out some ice cream and enjoy :)

    I could NOT eat ice cream.
    I would punish myself for it.
    I'd force myself to go for a run, or go back to the gym.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    If you're taking in at least 1200 calories (even if your net is in the negative from exercise) and you feel fine, then I wouldn't worry about it too much. If you're not hitting that number, try snacking on foods that are calorie-dense, like nuts, granola bars, juices, et cetera. Protein shakes are also a great way to bump up your calories if you're not hungry. :)

    Thank you for your advice! :)
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    I didn't mean to scare you either! I'm sorry!

    But I am definitely here for you!!!!!!

    Thank you.
    I know you are. :)
    You're probably going to be one of the people I lean on the most, so you better be prepared!
    Haha. :)
    And it's not you guys that are scaring me.
    It's more my own thinking that's freaking me out.

    lean away, dear! that's what I'm here for!
  • tinalina81
    Sorry if I scared you, just worried you aren't getting enough nutrition for the amount you work out. No need to be scared, you just need to find the right balance with your work schedule. I realize it is hard to get on a good eating schedule when you work so late. Just try getting some good snacks and try snacking when you feel hungry.
    I am here for you if you need anything or have any questions. And BTW I am in no way a professional in these things, just trying to pass along what works for me.
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    If you're taking in at least 1200 calories (even if your net is in the negative from exercise) and you feel fine, then I wouldn't worry about it too much. If you're not hitting that number, try snacking on foods that are calorie-dense, like nuts, granola bars, juices, et cetera. Protein shakes are also a great way to bump up your calories if you're not hungry. :)

    I'm sorry but this is DANGEROUS advice. If you take in 1200 calories and burn off almost 1000 from exercise, you are leaving your body with nothing. That's not something to shrug off.

    OP: I really recommend that you consult your physician.
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    If you're taking in at least 1200 calories (even if your net is in the negative from exercise) and you feel fine, then I wouldn't worry about it too much. If you're not hitting that number, try snacking on foods that are calorie-dense, like nuts, granola bars, juices, et cetera. Protein shakes are also a great way to bump up your calories if you're not hungry. :)

    I'm sorry but this is DANGEROUS advice. If you take in 1200 calories and burn off almost 1000 from exercise, you are leaving your body with nothing. That's not something to shrug off.

    OP: I really recommend that you consult your physician.

    I have to agree about that being bad advice... normally that's ok, but it's only OK if you're not burning off all of those calories as soon as you take them in.

    That's why she's here, to get advice/help with how to do this healthy and take good care of herself, so everyone, PLEASE, she knows we're not professionals, but PLEASE give her good advice. Telling her to keep killing herself int he gym isn't going to help her out, ok!
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Thank you. I am not really able to get to a professional, which is why I'm gathering advice, and doing my research as well.
    The gym isn't the problem, I don't think.
    I loooooove working out. I never used to, and that's why I'm overweight in the first place.
    But now, it's my favorite part of the day.
    I don't want to work out less, or stop working out.
    It's just the food I'm worried about.
    I don't really know how to eat healthy.
    And that's what I'm trying to learn. :)
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    Thank you. I am not really able to get to a professional, which is why I'm gathering advice, and doing my research as well.
    The gym isn't the problem, I don't think.
    I loooooove working out. I never used to, and that's why I'm overweight in the first place.
    But now, it's my favorite part of the day.
    I don't want to work out less, or stop working out.
    It's just the food I'm worried about.
    I don't really know how to eat healthy.
    And that's what I'm trying to learn. :)

    you'll get there. small steps, and only one step at a time. it's great that you like working out, but you can't punish your body by not giving it what it needs to make it through those cherished work outs! eating more calories doesn't mean you have to eat junk food, you can def get to your NEEDED calorie goal by still eating healthy things, thing you won't feelt guilty for eating! If you skim through the recipes on MFP you can find some REALLY amazing, healthy dishes... you'll really feel like you're treating yourself, but you can also feel comfortable knowing that it's a healthy dish and that it's NOT hurting your goals at all! =)