b00b0084 Member


  • I started c25k 5 or 6 weeks ago. I did amazing for a month. I repeated week 2 because I knew I wasn't ready for week 3 and I am a SLOOOOW jogger. I only make it 1.78 miles the entire session. Doesn't bother me at all because I didn't even make it 100 feet jogging when I started. And I jog, I don't run. Then I got up to…
  • Planters energy mix
  • lol love it.
  • I have always wanted to do kickboxing because I have little to no upper body strength but can kick like a mule when I am pissed lol. But, boxing is on my list as well, just lower down on my list. I get such a high after a really good class! I haven't gone for a few weeks, thanks to someone t-boning me while backing out of…
  • The form of iKickboxing was design by a karate instructor to get parents in the schools because they noticed that the parents wanted to do what their kids were doing but didn't want to wear the uniform. So, while I know it is not the same stuff my son does it is really cool that his karate instructor teaches it. Also,…
  • I actually wrote a book about my life, currently hiding in an envelope in my desk, and I called it "Confessions of a Single Mother: the trials and tribulations to get to where I am now"
  • This is pretty much what my sons karate teacher does with us. It is a 40 minute class and by the end I am tomato red in the face, panting, and sweating so bad it looks like my face is raining. Then I have a high from the workout for a good hour, and crash so hard at bedtime lol.
  • We use wave masters and pads during the class for the punches and kicks (half the time) then the other half we are punching or kicking the air for the cardio. Kickboxing is something I have wanted to do since I was 11 and got kicked out of my karate class after a week, so when my sons karate school started doing it for the…
  • ThePilotsGirl I would call your neuro and tell him about this and see what he says. I can't give advice on tapering off since my stubborn *kitten* just stopped taking it cold turkey. I never felt better. I stopped taking it MONTHS before my neuro told me I could stop taking it. I had only lost 7lbs when I stopped taking it…
  • I hadn't heard of drinking less water, that is new to me. I drink Coke daily and was told to cut down on it, but when I do I get horrible caffeine headaches since my body has become addicted to large amounts of caffeine. If your Dr told you this though I would trust them until told differently.
  • I am happy to say that after losing only 15 pounds since my diagnosis I have been taken off of my Diamox! Lets hope with loosing more I will stay in remission the rest of my life.
  • Either loves Halloween or COS play.
  • I love a good beard but they don't work for everyone. If women are only liking you now that you have a beard then they aren't the type of woman you want to be with. I love when the guy I am with has a beard, but if I really like him and not his look then it won't matter if he is baby butt smooth or not. And yes, some women…
  • Lost 1.7 this week!
  • I love the rubber band idea. I have marks on my bottle but even the permanent marker still rubs off.
  • I have a water bottle that holds 4c and I make sure I have it with me at all times. I am thirsty almost all the time as well. There are days where when I am at my desk I will have my water bottle right in front of my mouth and just sip on it while I am surfing the internet. I don't even think about it half the time. Took…
  • Single
  • 2 Junior biscuits with some grape jam. I am not a morning person and I only got 4 hours of sleep so eatting those was forced.
  • Did you really just say "homosexual disabled persons workplace"? Also, the OP never said anything about getting YOLO on her neck or "thug life" on her knuckles. It amazes me how many people still have this 1950s image of what a corporate person is supposed to look like.
  • Thank you so much lol I just turned 30 last month :)
  • My friend has her nipples pierced but I can't remember what she said about it. I've had my lip pierced 3x and now have scars from them. My lip refused to heal properly with either of them. Too much of a pain for me. I have a tattoo on my back between my shoulder blades and one on my forearm. I will say that a tattoo on…
  • If I go now I only get a soft taco or some nachos, but before I started trying to lose weight I would eat anything from my list below. Doesn't help that I used to work for Taco Hell either lol Soft Tacos Hard Tacos Nachos Bell Grande Cinnamon Twist (which they actually just deep fry rottini noodles and cover in cinnamon as…
    in Taco Bell Comment by b00b0084 April 2014
  • Here is who I like, in order from favorite to not as much favorite bu still a favorite lol and the actors that played them in order of who I liked based on what I have seen. 1. Iron man 2. Superman a. Christopher Reeve b. Tom Welling c. Dean Caine d. Brandon Routh e. Henry Cavill 3. Captain America 4. Thor 5. Loki…
    in Marvel/Dc Comment by b00b0084 April 2014
  • I love Marvel heroes but also love me some Spider-man and Batman!
    in Marvel/Dc Comment by b00b0084 April 2014
  • So much has been going on with my son and more trips to the ER with him that I haven't done any planks in a few days. I will be back on track tomorrow though!
  • I find Silas Weir Mitchell very sexy. He plays Monroe on "Grimm"
  • Just split up with my boyfriend after being single for 4 1/2 years before I met him. Add a 10 year old son to the mix and it gets really hard for me at 30 to find a guy to date.