Thanks so much! And yeah I know :(
Yup! I've been increasing every couple weeks after I feel that its not challenging me anymore.
Just thought I'd let everyone know I now weight around 118-120 lbs (its been fluctuating a bit) I've been doing lots of weights and I've started drinking protein shakes and I've been doing my damn best to eat more calories. Still only eating around 2100 but some days its more. In any case I HAVE gained weight. But I think…
Everyone's entitled to their own opinion on western medicine. Some people prefer a more natural route. :)
This was the most helpful, thank you :) I have increased my caloric intake and started my weight training and already I've been gaining some weight :) I'm seeing my doctor on the 31st as well just to make sure my body is healthy and such as well!
Yeah I know I've been trying to gain weight! I started eating higher calorie foods along with heavy weights and so far I've gained 3lbs!! I will talk to someone about it, I just thought it would be odd for me to have body dysmorphia. I'm an artist, and amazing with proportions (not to toot my own horn) so I assumed that I…
Thank you :) I just prefer it if people don't try to diagnose me with things. I guess I am just harsher on myself because it's my own body and I want to improve it. But if my issue with myself persists I will talk to a health professional about it.
I eat really clean and I really prefer to stay away from unhealthy foods. I do eat enough calories in a day for my height though, and maybe I could use a little more while I'm lifting weights but I end up feeling sick and bloated if I eat too much. Thanks so much for the advice :)
I don't believe I have body dysmorphia. And I do not have an eating disorder as I'm eating the recommended calories for my height I didn't mean that all women are, I meant that its pretty normal to be a little self-conscious. I'm glad you're proud of your body :) mine doesn't look how I want it to yet, and I'm trying to…
Awesome :) I'll look into that! I currently eat 1900-2100 calories in a day but I also do 30 minutes of cardio a day. So I burn around 300 calories of that so my body is only holding onto 1600-1800. I find that if I eat more than that I end up making myself feel sick because I'm just not hungry enough to eat more.
Awesome thanks :) I used to do belly dance but its not offered here anymore. I've been lifting heavy weights as well for about a week now :)
Awesome thanks :) the gym I go to offers yoga so I'll look into that.
I eat 1600-1800 after taking into account the 300 I burn. So really I'm eating 1900- 2100 calories in a day. I really can't eat more without eating unhealthy, I have tried and my body has a hard time handling more food. Like I'm not hungry enough to eat more than that.
Excuse me?
I was taking into account the advice everyone was giving me. I was just happy to see somebody act nicer towards me rather than tell me about my "body dysmorphia" or "eating disorder". I have neither of those. Yes I am self-conscious, as is almost every other woman on the planet. No I do not need help. I am fully aware I am…
Thank you so much :) all I was asking for was help, so thank you a lot for that. :) I've started to do more weight training as well so hopefully I'll start to see some results in a month or two :) I'll definitely up my weights as well!
Thank you so much for the positive feedback :) I know I'm really underweight and it freaked me out when I found out. I've been trying to put on some weight by eating a few more calories and weight lifting. No results so far but that doesn't mean they won't happen :) definitely takes time.
Thanks so much :) I've just started my weight training and working on my core so I'm hoping this helps!!
5'8 120 lbs Bust- 35 Waist- 25 Hips- 36 Sizes- shirt- small, pants- 5, dress- 6