I'm underweight but my stomach looks big?



  • lukeizlar
    lukeizlar Posts: 2 Member
    sarawr66 wrote: »
    I don't believe I have body dysmorphia. And I do not have an eating disorder as I'm eating the recommended calories for my height

    Body Dysmorphia has nothing to do with calories... You see yourself as fat when you are literally skin and bones skinny. How do you think people become anorexic? They see themselves as fat until they die of starvation.

    I'm not saying you're anorexic but take a hard look at yourself and compare it to an "average" girl. You are very very very thin and your stomach does not stick out whatsoever
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    lukeizlar wrote: »
    sarawr66 wrote: »
    I don't believe I have body dysmorphia. And I do not have an eating disorder as I'm eating the recommended calories for my height

    Body Dysmorphia has nothing to do with calories... You see yourself as fat when you are literally skin and bones skinny. How do you think people become anorexic? They see themselves as fat until they die of starvation.

    I'm not saying you're anorexic but take a hard look at yourself and compare it to an "average" girl. You are very very very thin and your stomach does not stick out whatsoever

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    sarawr66 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Tilandra wrote: »
    I lost forty pounds over the course of a year, but didn't really realize it because I don't keep a scale in the house.
    Western medicine sucks, but as we get older there are things even diet and exercise can't fix. See a doctor, consult them on your exercise plans, and get tests done to make sure there isn't another cause.

    wait- you lost somewhere between 4 and 6 dress sizes and didn't notice you're clothes weren't falling off???

    And yeah- the horrors of western medicine- chemo for cancers- and vaccines for polo and tetanus and what not- flue shots- really tragic stuff. Western medicine is the devil.

    Everyone's entitled to their own opinion on western medicine. Some people prefer a more natural route. :)

    yes- you're right- but let's not just assume it's all bad when it saves peoples lives. I can understand wanting to chose other paths- but the reality is western medicine can and will continue to improve our health.

    Instead of dying of a simple broken arm- we can save the arm- AND live a full life. It's willfully ignorant to just dismiss it as the deeebbbbiiiillllll
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    daynerz wrote: »
    You are skinny fat, you have to tighten your abs with exercises, try planks, leg lifts, bicycle crunch ect... also the pudge will still fade away with a couple more pounds lost, remember it is your horomones that decide which part of your body it sheds fat from <3

    Is there something wrong with you?
    This poster is underweight and you are saying the 'pudge' will fade away with a couple more pounds lost'

    Seriously, I have seen so many ignorant posts from you and this just about tops the list.
    If you cannot think before you post, then maybe you should not post at all.

  • *sigh* no belly whatsoever. look, you need to gain weight. speaking as someone who has struggled with anorexia for 10 years, it takes a lot of work to gain weight when you're underweight. either decrease the activity or up your calories (2500, at least). and please, figure out what's behind your body distortion.
  • Just thought I'd let everyone know I now weight around 118-120 lbs (its been fluctuating a bit) I've been doing lots of weights and I've started drinking protein shakes and I've been doing my damn best to eat more calories. Still only eating around 2100 but some days its more. In any case I HAVE gained weight. But I think I've also gained a bit of fat as well so I'm hoping that with more time and weight training that will tone up as well. :)
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Glad to hear you're doing better. Keep it up! :smiley:
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Well done Sara, you are getting there.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    Awesome, good job! If you're gaining fat, that means you're likely gaining muscle with the weight training so you're using your time and effort effectively! Woo!
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    daynerz wrote: »
    You are skinny fat, you have to tighten your abs with exercises, try planks, leg lifts, bicycle crunch ect... also the pudge will still fade away with a couple more pounds lost, remember it is your horomones that decide which part of your body it sheds fat from <3

    The exercises you recommended are good core exercises that will help but she is not skinny fat. Her belly is flat and if she is underweight she should not lose more lbs.

    OP I think your photo looks great. Core exercises to fix posture and strengthen your midsection should help. If you still think there is an issue you could discuss the possibility of fibroids with your doctor. They are harmless growths than can make your waist thicker.

  • 13shark77
    13shark77 Posts: 65 Member
    I also have to agree with many other people who stated there thoughts too.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    edited November 2014
    MrM27 wrote: »
    I have an ED, I know I need help. And I am getting some already ;)

    Not posting things like you just did would be a good start. All you're doing is lending support to someone else in their body dysmorphia issues. You have them doesn't mean it's okay for others to have it

    I didn't see where she stated it was okay for others to have it when she states is dealing with the same problem
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    sarawr66 wrote: »
    Just thought I'd let everyone know I now weight around 118-120 lbs (its been fluctuating a bit) I've been doing lots of weights and I've started drinking protein shakes and I've been doing my damn best to eat more calories. Still only eating around 2100 but some days its more. In any case I HAVE gained weight. But I think I've also gained a bit of fat as well so I'm hoping that with more time and weight training that will tone up as well. :)

    Have you noticed that you've been able to increase weight on your lifts?
  • sarawr66 wrote: »
    Just thought I'd let everyone know I now weight around 118-120 lbs (its been fluctuating a bit) I've been doing lots of weights and I've started drinking protein shakes and I've been doing my damn best to eat more calories. Still only eating around 2100 but some days its more. In any case I HAVE gained weight. But I think I've also gained a bit of fat as well so I'm hoping that with more time and weight training that will tone up as well. :)

    Have you noticed that you've been able to increase weight on your lifts?

    Yup! I've been increasing every couple weeks after I feel that its not challenging me anymore.
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    blazepurr wrote: »
    Problem: Belly pooch

    Physical Factors: Tight hip flexors and weak lower abs will tilt your hips forward, causing the lower part of your belly to stick out.

    Exercises: Strengthen your lower abdominal with exercises such as leg lifts, hanging pikes, and swiss ball passes. To loosen your hips, make the hip flexor stretch a part of your workout routine.

    While I agree with the lordosis comment, unfortunately leg raises tend to work the hip flexors more than the ab muscles, which can cause even more problems with lordosis. Same with hanging pikes.

    As an aerialist, every time I invert I'm doing some sort of leg lift. I'm still working on my lordosis.
  • mnricha927
    mnricha927 Posts: 23 Member
    I am just like you. I am not underweight, but I am small and thin. I don't have stomach fat (well some, but I don't care much), but I do feel like I have a distended stomach every time I eat. I try to always keep in mind that my spine will be happy if I practice better posture and it helps with that strange belly nonsense. You look lovely, though :smile:.
  • ifiwasurvampire
    ifiwasurvampire Posts: 181 Member
    Just remember YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! You're stomach does not look big or stick out.
  • kk1084
    kk1084 Posts: 51 Member
    First of all, I need to say that I completely understand how you are feeling-- I do think that you might be experiencing some Body Dysmorphia, which I also struggle with. I have dealt with this for YEARS; it lead into my battle with eating and exercise disorders, which I continue to struggle with.

    You do NOT have a big stomach AT ALL and you definitely, absolutely, 300% DO look like you weigh 113 lbs, which is positively underweight. At 5'4" and 113 lbs, I am considered a low-average weight. At four inches taller and the same weight, you are well underweight. Please, please, please consider counseling or nutrition education if you are still feeling this way... As someone who has experienced eating disorders and BDD, I cannot stress this more...
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    sarawr66 wrote: »
    Just thought I'd let everyone know I now weight around 118-120 lbs (its been fluctuating a bit) I've been doing lots of weights and I've started drinking protein shakes and I've been doing my damn best to eat more calories. Still only eating around 2100 but some days its more. In any case I HAVE gained weight. But I think I've also gained a bit of fat as well so I'm hoping that with more time and weight training that will tone up as well. :)

    Keep up the good work :)

    Seems like most new comments are not seeing this update from you!
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    eek your belly doesn't look big to me, you know we have organs in there right? building up muscle can help flatten out the look as well as better posture. If you continue your weight lifting, and maybe even up your calories so that you can sustain muscle gain, your abs will begin to show and everything will *appear* more even.