nanjhall Member


  • I am the same way. The cold weather is not a motivator. I am hoping that since spring is right around the corner I will be more active.
  • I'm waiting for my "One" to give out so I can get a Force!
  • Does anyone else in the group use any of the Fitbit products (step trackers)? If you do and would like to be fitbit friends let me know. I would love to have people in this challenge on my leader board. The link to friend me on Fitbit is:
  • Thanks for starting this Jon. I'm ready to go! This is going to fit right in with my whole get healthy plan. Have a full physical scheduled for Tuesday and my Dr. will be happy to know I am on a "plan". Prizes would be fun. Not sure what they could be but I bet the group could think up something fun!
  • Hi Sarah-Jane, Nice to meet you. Great job on your lose so far and on your journey to get healthy. Looking forward to getting to know you better. Where did you get your great weight loss tracker? Nancy