

  • Hi all, I was just sleeved this past Friday and am new to this whole app. Feel free to add me and show me the ropes! A little about my procedure/progress for those of you who haven't had your procedure yet: I am 25 years old and had my sleeve performed at the hospital I work for. I was in the hospital for two nights, the…
  • Just checking in to see how everyone's pre op diets are going or how the surgery went if you've had it yet! I am on day 5 of my pre op diet, surgery is next Friday. I have to admit, it's not terrible, but I am feeling extremely tired and drained. I know it's just my body getting used to it, but I hope it happens soon. I am…
  • I am in the same boat, any tips appreciated! I just got the approval for my surgery, scheduled for May 30th. I start my two week pre op diet on the 16th. Good luck to you! Keep me posted on your pre op progress. Also, the thing I am most concerned about is when I will be able to return to work. I was thinking about ten…