

  • Okay, cool. There's no such thing as insulin resistance, diabetes or PCOS. Those are just myths that fatties made up to excuse themselves. Good to know. I don't even have a problem with carbs. I LOVE carbs and I love complex starchy carbs a lot. Until I gained weight from a reaction to medication (also clearly fake, right?…
  • I don't get cravings really and I hate sweets and fatty or fried foods so if I wanted to "cheat" it would be like going out for some vegetarian green curry. But I don't do it, no. I personally think "cheating" is a sign of weakness in myself so I won't allow myself to do it. My friends don't really like being around me…
  • My whole life I have not eaten much. I probably ate no more than 800-1000 a day when I wasn't dieting. I gained a lot of weight from a bad reaction to medication and so the idea of having to eat MORE than I was eating when I was just living life seems absurd to me, personally. It's basically impossible for me to get near…
  • Oh my god, posting a scientific study that illustrates how based on genetics, hormone levels or chemical balances that vary from person to person can affect the way someone processes certain foods? Blasphemy! Clearly they didn't lose weight while eating complex carbs because they're lying and were actually eating cakes and…
  • A naturally high insulin level is not really a new thing. Sorry you don't understand basic laws of biology. Seeing as more insulin is produced more quickly from complex carbs (starchy carbs like bread, pasta, rice etc) someone with a higher natural production of insulin, which varies somewhat like all chemicals/hormones…
  • Eating carbs doesn't make you fat but they can make weight loss more difficult in some cases. Cutting carbs very low can force your body into ketosis wherein it begins to turn fat into ketones which are burned for energy in place of carbs. No one needs to be in ketosis to lose weight and even people using a ketogenic diet…
  • I think so but Im probably alone here. I like fasting. There's a huge sticky at the top of this board that explains all the reasons why its bad for you so I would advice reading that. The main issue being that people will fast for a couple days-week, lose 5-10lbs and then binge eat 5000 calories and gain it all back in a…
  • This is why I hate MFP. You people think that everyones body chemistry is identical. Well, it happened to me and I've read dozens of reports from other people who had the exact same issues. I don't know what else to tell you. If it makes you feel better to think that everyone who has difficulty losing weight is really just…
  • Normally you only lose your period if your BMI or body fat is very, very low. I had a BMI of 17-18 for most of my life and never lost it, personally. To me it sounds like there's a unrelated medical issue. I agree that you need to see your doctor because that's unusual. Feel better hon!
  • All SSRIs are linked to weight gain but it's worth trying to switch because each SSRI affects each person differently. There's also Wellbutrin which has been linked to weight loss. It really is terrible! I hope you find out what's wrong soon.
  • Hi. I'm right here. It happened to me. I was actually eating much less than that and cycling 12 miles a day, 5 days a week. 2 months later I didn't lose a pound. There is a lot of research that suggests it does slow metabolism because many users report being unable to lose any weight even on strict doctor-regulated diet…
  • I just started Slim Trim U and I have spoken to several girls who lost up to 5-10lbs a week. I diet and exercise heavily and was unable to lose a single pound I gained from SSRIs. I started taking Hydroxycut, raspberry ketones, Gaia Diet Slim and now this. After I started taking supplements was the first time in months I…
  • I had to see 3 different doctors, get tested for hypothyroid 3 different times with 3 different complete blood workups, saw a nutritionist and a personal trainer for over a month, who both eventually just called me a lair, more or less, because I was eating an extremely low amount of calories and working out and not losing…
  • It was a very rare reaction, even my doctor was surprised and said that that kind of extreme thing only happens in 1% of the people who take Zoloft. I was on Paxil before (the biggest offender when it comes to SSRIs and weight gain) and switched to this so I could take an anti-anxiety medication that was stronger/better…
  • Just drink tea. I drink probably 8-12 cups of tea a day and Im never hungry. Half the time I even skip lunch because Im not hungry enough for it. Use artificial sweetener and drink some any time you feel like snacking on something unhealthy.
  • I really need help..
  • That is probably a rare/unique thing. I have been drinking straight vinegar at least a couple times a week just because I like it since I was a kid. I don't know why anyone would drink it besides for pleasure, but it normally will not hurt your stomach. If it did, I would be dead.
  • I like to drink pure vinegar (actually mostly white, not super big on apple cider) but I don't think it helps with weight. I just think it tastes good. Better than any fatty dressings.
  • I have a hard drink just about every night. Beer is all carbs and I hate it but I do miss whiskey. Silver liquors like rum, tequila, gin and vodka usually have 70-100 calories per shot, so I just do shots. I have a hard time sleeping without having a drink so it's helpful for me and it's just about the only joy I have in…
    in Alcohol Comment by starsybyll May 2014
  • I would really appreciate actually help/experience rather than judgements that dont apply to the unique situation. 1400 is fibe for people not suffering from extreme side effects of medications but has nothing to do with whats going on with me.
  • 800 is only 400 less than you are recommending and I am not recommending that diet for others. If I eat that much, I will go back to gaining 5-10lbs a month, which is the opposite of what I want. My doctor specifically told me that. Im sorry. I am asking about experiences with weight loss after extreme reactions to…
  • 1,200 is what I was eating when I gained 20lbs in 3 months so that is not an option. The medicine is still in my system and is preventing me from losing. If I eat at that level, I will gain another 20lbs. I just am asking how long it takes for Zoloft, Inderal, and Clonopin to completely wear off. And I don't even get…