Anti depressants
Has anyone else had a reaction to SSRI anti depressants that caused them to gain weight? I'd been 125 all my life until I took Zoloft and the last 2 months have been impossible trying to lose the weight it made me put on in 1-2 months. My doctor is trying to find a way to help and now I'm on Wellburtrin but he said it…
Trouble losing after 2 months
I've been trying to get help here for weeks but I no one ever responds and could really use advice. I gained 20lbs in 2 months from a combination of Zoloft, Inderal and Klonopin. 3 weeks ago my doctor told me this was the cause of my weight gain I cut them all cold turkey (which has been very psychologically difficult).…
Haven't lost a pound
I've been trying to get help here for days but I no one ever responds and could really use advice. I gained 20lbs in 2 months from a combination of Zoloft, Inderal and Klonopin. 3 weeks ago my doctor told me this was the cause of my weight gain I cut them all cold turkey (which has been very psychologically difficult).…
2 Months No Results
I'm sorry for posting this again but no one ever responds to my posts and though the rules say not to repost a topic, I assume that is in the even that anyone even responded to your topic in the first place, which they have not. If this is not the case, just delete this. Im only trying to get some advice. I really would…
Trouble after anti depressants
I really would like some input on this. I was taking anti depressants and beta blockers that caused me to gain 20lbs in 2-3 months. About 3 weeks ago my doctor told me this and my other problems were from my medication and I stop them all cold turkey. Ive been on a very intense diet for 2 months and I havent lost any…
Problems with weight loss after Zoloft/Inderal/Klonopin
I'm wondering if anyone else had trouble losing weight after Zoloft/Inderal/Klonopin. I was on all 3 and they caused me to gain 20lbs in 3 months. I have been on a very intense diet for 2 months and quit cold turkey on my meds about 3 weeks ago after my doctor told me they were the problem (after being mistakenly diagnosed…
Unable to lose weight gained on Zoloft
I started taking Zoloft, Clonezapam and Inderal in November of last year. By April I had gained 20lbs with no change to my diet or exercise. I had a ton of other symptoms that were all attributed to my medications. I quit taking all of these medicines cold turkey about a month ago and I have been on a 200-800 calorie a day…