Trouble losing after 2 months

I've been trying to get help here for weeks but I no one ever responds and could really use advice.

I gained 20lbs in 2 months from a combination of Zoloft, Inderal and Klonopin. 3 weeks ago my doctor told me this was the cause of my weight gain I cut them all cold turkey (which has been very psychologically difficult). While I was taking the medication I was already on a 1400-1600 cal diet. My doctor said it could take months for the medication to be completely out of my system.

A month before I quit I started a very intense diet since my normal 1400 was making me gain a pound a week. I am currently eating between 400-800 (please read the above on why I am forced to cut this low) calories a day plus about 2 hours of cardio and strength training each night. I am also taking a daily multivitamin, 2000mcg of B-12, Gaia herbs and hydroxycut. I have been doing all this for 2 months and only lost weight after laser lipo.

If I can't see anything more substantial soon Im going to be forced to do actual lipo and I really dont want to do that.