Neikx Member


  • I think it's important to consider the quality of calories consumed. If you are eating 1700 calories of real food, and not processed food, that is enough depending on your BMR. It's so important to take a nutritional supplement as well.
  • So glad I found this thread, cause I'm have the same problem. I don't think I'm ovulating and seem to get my period constantly, without any cramps (I used to have really bad ones). I don't seem to have a cycle at all right now, it's just random. I feel relieved to know that this is really common. So thanks everyone for…
  • I've lost 51 lbs and I've been getting really bad dizzy spells. I get them when I move from a crouched position to a standing position. I've reduced my sugar intake to only fruit, I also eat some carbs (whole grains) everyday. I think it's because I'm not eating enough, and exercising a lot. I was eating about 1200…