kadaolmi Member


  • Hi, I'm 54 and struggling immensley. I have 25# to lose, it was 15 and - dont know how 10 more came on. I'm in it to do this.. Im working out 5 days a week, sticking to the program, was down 1#, then up 4. Any advice - taken. thanks!
  • I have been logging and due to work my gym time is only a few times a week, and I am only able to get a mile or two in before work. I need some inspiration, because I am at or below my calories and that scale is just not moving. I keep seeing what I "will be" in 5 weeks~ and - it's just hard to keep going when the scale is…
  • you are right too! I was out for a walk the other day and this lady passed me, she was jogging, and she was around 60 years old. At that moment looking at her it really hit me that is about a life goal and not just about the quick fix for today. she was very inspiring.
  • I lost 20 pounds this year, then over the month of August due to some health issues, I gained 5#. I have been busting butt all this month - jogging 5-7 miles, biking 25-30 miles, ellipitical, and weight training. My diet is around 1300 calories. I cant get that scale to budge for me. sits there and sits there. I thought…
  • just take one day at a time. You have done great! It took time to get it on, it takes time to take it off. I have struggled at the SAME weight for 1 year....1 year! didn't gain....and 3-5 times a week to the gym working out hard...eating heathly...could not lose. But, you just have to keep going. I finally started a food…