Karen_LM Member


  • I have had problems with Runkeeper tossing electronic 'me', figuratively, a quarter mile over a river to the top of a hill , or across the motorway, or leaping tall buildings and landing 3 streets over., and then it jumps me back, adding the distance! The first time on a route it almost always adds little skitters up…
  • Week1 run 1 done
  • First of all, make sure you have set your calorie goals on MFP correctly, so it is giving you a realistic goal. Second, you might consider simply tracking your actual food habits for a week or two. If your actual habit is 3 or 4 or more thousand, then an immediate drop to 1650 may be so stressful you give up. If you are…
  • Come along then!
  • I learned about parkrun this week. And today i learned about a related program, jogscotland http://www.jogscotland.org.uk/local-groups i found many organized runs besides the one listed on the parkrun website, including some on my side of town, when i am ready for that.
  • Measure your coffee add ins, and try to gradually taper down to a calorie level you are happier with. I moved to the UK, the lflavored add ins are not very available, so i gradually settled on 1 cup with 1Tablespoon of cream and 1 tsp of sugar. This is less coffee than i would like, but the flavor and calorie balance (41)…
  • Correction: february 1, not March 1. I have some plans in early March that will interfere, the part of my brain that doesnt like exercising was distracting me when i was typing. Shut up brain! Thanks for the encouragement., guys. I know i CAN run, i sometimes dash and sprint to not be late for things. But fitness-wise, i…
  • 1 lb a week is good. But why arent you exercising? You really must burn calories in order not to set yourself up for eventual failure because of your metabolism shutting down. If you have physical limitations, see your doctor for advice on what you can do. Even the very basic idea of working up to 10,000 steps a day will…
  • Idiots. You are the better man. Keep it up!
  • I dont think it is so much relying on them for help, as finding them to be actively unhelpful. Wait kind of person gives junk food to someone they know is watching their diet, as 'encouragement'? That is way jerky.
  • I have the Fitbit One since christmas. I am still sorting it out. It counts what you do all day, steps, flights of stairs (includes hills, great for me in a hilly town) total distance, calories burned. If you move steadily (a purposeful walk, vs the walk i walk to get my kid to school) it counts as 'active' or if you run…
  • Rather than following diets, attempting to find magical combinations of food or eating schedules, I have found it easier to just track what i actually do using this app. I have it on a smartphone, so can track it closely all day. Its not really about restrictions and limitations, for me. Its about understanding the values…
  • My scots mum-in-law would approve. Maybe not with the pepper, but with salt not sugar. She is horrified and disgusted at the very idea of adding sweetener and fresh or dried fruit to porridge. She has had salted porridge most mornings for 87 years, and she is pretty spry!
  • Unless your boss is a registered dietician, ignore his/her opinion on foods. Your boss is repeating stuff he has read on the internet, or in a diet book, that happened to sound note worthy to him based on his own diet and weight issues. His panic over his food choices has nothing to do with you. Your high fiber breakfast…
  • Nevermind
  • Basing your decisions on your own experience and genetic beackground? EXCELLENT! You win!
  • Simple: you eat very few of them. He never said he gorged and overindulged, he said he ate amounts that fell within his dietary allowance. Anyone used to paying close attention to their intake should be able to fit in a bit of something. Sounds like OP is a male with a heavy workout habit and large (2600) calorie allowance…
  • The homemade whole-grain i used to have time to bake weekly!
  • It's likely, assuming you keep up with current habits, that you will continue to get more defined and muscular, and only then go back to dropping pounds because of the increased ability via greater muscle mass. Your weight may fluctuate up, or maybe not. But i dont think you will end up heavier in the long term unless you…
  • I was also going to suggest you check your hydration.
  • Add me, i am restarting and really need support!
  • I will try it, pls contact me!
  • Im in Glasgow, feel free to add, especially if you are local!
  • I want to second this, using MFP or any other diet tracker to help yourself learn to adjust your diet is plenty good enough. Track your diet and you will quickly see what is out of balance in your own choices and you will also see what good choices you are willing to make and build on that. If you feel the need to have…
  • Seriously. It's either that, or ask him when he's planning on getting back in shape, cause I bet not one of those jerks was.
  • We don't share passwords, because we have nothing to hide in our marriage.
  • How is he spying without joining/opening an account? And no, we don't spy on each other, online or otherwise.
  • They weren't gasping because they secretly agree. They were gasping because the boy was so astoundingly rude and useless. Why would you think their reaction was in support of the idiot boy?