Karen_LM Member


  • Basically, they use two completely different algorithms, and will never match. I use MFP for all food related, and Fitbit for all activity.
  • make your goal achievable, which means breaking up your longer term goal into smaller steps. personally, that you manage to log every day is a fantastic achievement. I can stay under my goal most days, but miss at least a day a week, maybe going back and entering what I remember, which is never everything. the longest I…
  • You are eating processed food ready meals that are NOT designed to be a complete diet. They are only 'healthy' in comparison to standard ready meals, not in comparison to a well planned diet. Just as with ready meals not advertised as particularly healthy, they are very high in sodium and various carbohydrate starches and…
  • Deleted as i forgot you need to quate when replying or it might not make sense!
  • american, permanently relocated to Glasgow! Would like more Euro/UK friends!
  • I was gonna say that. I was recently back in the US, mmmmmmm Krispy Kreme. Also, my daughter taught me that, if you are there when they are hot, they will pull them off the line before they get Kremed, if you ask. It is surprisingly still yummy, and worth trying, once. (Her lack of sweet tooth amazes me. She must have been…
  • You have to be hydrated to sweat. You are doing it right.
  • I am 5'5" and 147 is practically my goal! (If only i had not thought i was so fat it was hopeless back then, i wouldnt have reached the point! #bodyimageissues Go you!
  • Good to see you here. I am working my way through c25k too, and with far more to lose. I log here for a while, then fall away. Currently trying to get back on the wagon!
    in Newbie! Comment by Karen_LM April 2014
  • I purchased 10 sessions with a personal trainer, i think its done me more good than the equivalent 6 months at a gym where i never really feel like i am doing things right, and then i stop going. My time is almost up, i havent decided to go for another 10 sessions, or do something else. If i do go with the sessions, i…
  • I am sorry no one has answered you, and hope it hasnt discouraged you. Walking is an awfully good place to start, i lost 18 lbs just by HAVING to walk a mile twice a day for 6 months. What kind of exercise do you think you have the time and space for?
  • I didnt know there was such a thing as plain! I will look for it too. Also the other thing mentioned up-thread, which is like quark, sold at sainsbury's? I had bitter go write it down. Though i only have access to little express type Sainsbury's, so they probably dont carry it.
  • Its not the aging or lack of it in of the cheese, it is the non-pasteurization of the milk used to make it. And also: politics. A lot more french cheeses used to be sold in the US before the french didnt support the US position regarding, oh i forget, WMD's? , Saddam Hussein? And congress retaliated.
  • I wish they had done that as reasonably as you describe it, simply cutting out each category from an otherwise acceptable diet. But alas, they actually each ate terrible diets extremely high in whichever category they werent cutting out. Which is not the same thing at all. ( by the way, referencing the Daily Mail is like…
  • The database is the database that we all go searching for foods in. There is only the one. All the random dishes that say 'homemade' or list a blog or cookbook or somebody's name as the brand or source? Those are recipes people entered and shared.
  • Or when you decide that one error means its all over, you are a failure, and might as well quit now. It's one day. Bad days, whether caused by celebration or misery, will happen. Move on.
  • Back to your original question, and now having seen more of your history, the vegan stuff. Gee, i dont know. I agree, it seems you should have lost measurable amount. All i can say is, carry on. Either positive changes, or symptoms of something preventing them, will happen sooner or later.
  • Well, dang. I cant find it either!
  • At the top of the screen, but below the ads, you have links to Home. recent Pots my topics. Click on home, that takes you back to the front of the discussion pages, so you can find the category you want, and posts a new post where you want. M
  • In that case, dont create a surplus. Always adjust advice to your needs, not everyone came to this thread by going down through the categories. It was on my front page as being 'current'. I tend to eat two small breakfasts, peanut butter toast and coffee to get me and everyone out of the house, then yogurt and fruit after…
  • The clean eating diet (or eat clean, whichever) does exactly that. All those healthy foods, packed up and ready to go for the first few weeks. They even have lists if you need that sort of thing.
  • Forget the scale! Can you run longer, farther, faster? Lift more weight or more reps? Are your clothes fitting differently? Even just a little? Is your sleep improving? Are your feet and hands warmer or your skin clearer due to better circulation? Are your food cravings for better foods? There is more to improving your…
  • Dont expect crash diet results from a lifetime health plan. Eat enough calories to meet your BMR, and enough calories to fuel your exercise. Accept that you will, at times, burn fat while building muscle, resulting in 0 change on your scale, or worse, a slight rise. Stick with eating enough calories, stop think enough is…
  • I THINK this is the bit on eating enough that i read last year. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/896757-not-eating-enough-calories?page=2 Your goal should be to eat as much as you can and lose weight at a steady pace. Not to eat as little as you can bear to. That will just create a spiral of being unable to eat. I…
  • 35 g of fat is to o ow. Up to 35 % of your calories per day can be fat. And should be, even if you are trying to lose weight. Fat is a necessary nutrient, just like protein and carbs. Keeps your skin, hair and poop soft, and helps your body access fat soluable vitamins. You dont have to go as high as 35%, but you can…
  • Other than hiding them: liking them comes with exposure. After so many times it becomes less offensive, then maybe acceptable, then maybe even liked. You may be a supertaster (google it) and the various bitter or sour taste components are much stronger to you than to other people. Begin with naturally sweet veg (carrots,…
  • Rather than subjecting yourself to the misery of a diet mostly of foods you hate, try modifying your current diet to include them in the foods you like. There are several cookbooks/blogs giving recipes for adding purees of vegetables to everything from pasta sauce to macaroni and cheese, burgers, casseroles, dips for…
  • In the short term, diet alone works better than exercise alone. In the long term BOTH are necessary.