You went over by how much?

So yesterday I completely went crazy with eating and this week will be the first week since I've been on MFP that I will be over my deficit. I should be over for the week by about 2,100 roughly so by all practical purposes I should be at maintenance calories I'm thinking. I'm not too stressed about it just a little disappointed in myself but it's done now.
My real question is what's the most you all have "went over"? Just curious. Yesterday I almost snagged the 4,000 calorie mark! The really stupid thing is there was really only 1 or 2 things that I really enjoyed. Stupid emotions!!! And donuts....and cookies...


  • lemur_lady
    lemur_lady Posts: 350 Member
    I think one day I had been really hungry all day and then gone out for a meal with my friend that evening. Had alcohol piles of food and a mountain of a sundae. I'll never know quite how much I went over by as once I reached 3500 I stopped counting lol.

    Done this a few times now. Still hasnt stopped me losing so cant see the harm in it once in a while.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    A few times I was over by 1000 or so (500 over my TDEE), the worst was probably 3200, so 1600 over my goal... and I didn't have dinner that day to limit the damage.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,234 Member
    I've eaten over 10k cals a few times. So probably over by 9k or so? Give or take. I think the highest I've been over for a week was 20k? Meh. I could be at goal by now, but I really like food. A lot.
  • EvenThatNameIsTaken
    I was 3,500 calories over a couple weeks ago (so like 5k cal for the whole day, eek). I felt pregnant with food for 3 days, lol (which I guess makes sense huh). It does slow the progress but like others have said... I like food, I am in this for the long haul, and I don't do well with restrictions!
  • redambition
    redambition Posts: 39 Member
    Yesterday we went out for dinner to celebrate a few things including a late valentines day. Three cocktails and way too much Japanese food later, I'd consumed nearly 3000 calories for the day, over my TDEE when no exercise is involved.

    Oops. It was fun though, and definitely not a regular occurrence... So I think it's ok.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    On our anniversary last year My wife and I went to cheesecake factory for lunch, I went over by 3200 in one meal, then we went to a movie, shopping, and to dinner. By the end of the day I was over by about 5600. Logged it, moved on with life, maintained for the week and lost 2 pounds the next week. Going over on cals occasionally is really no big deal as long as you keep your head and just move on with life. It's when you decide to do ten hours at the gym the next day and subsist on a stick of gum and a banana to make up for it that you run into problems.

  • jaydangler
    It's good to go over once a week to keep the metabolism high and cortisol levels low, but no more than a 500 cal surplus! Or then you sadly hit the "spill over effect"

    Hope this helps ;)
  • 4MissRose
    On my cheat day yesterday I clocked in at 2615 cals. Pizza and fries, and a few chocolates, too. I must admit that I was disapointed, though. I thought this freedom to eat more would be satisfying, but I was left feeling queasy instead. :huh:
  • krisscully7
    krisscully7 Posts: 1 Member
    I just started MFP a few days ago. I know really right before Valentines Day. Well day one I was over my limit by 20 Calories and Valentines day I was over about 200. But I know that its just making eating adjustments and the one thing MFP has done is made me look at "everything" I eat. i.e. olive oil, butter. I am still making adjustments but I am committed to make some life changes.
  • graceire
    graceire Posts: 323 Member
    On our anniversary last year My wife and I went to cheesecake factory for lunch, I went over by 3200 in one meal, then we went to a movie, shopping, and to dinner. By the end of the day I was over by about 5600. Logged it, moved on with life, maintained for the week and lost 2 pounds the next week. Going over on cals occasionally is really no big deal as long as you keep your head and just move on with life. It's when you decide to do ten hours at the gym the next day and subsist on a stick of gum and a banana to make up for it that you run into problems.


    Already planning my birthday dinner at Cheesecake Factory this year (March). Not even going to stress about it that week as it won't be unexpected. Plan to enjoy every bite! Its actually going to be part of an active, zip-lining, rope-course weekend so it won't do any damage at all! I also plan to shop til I drop but that's another story...
  • ThinWhiteDuchess
    ThinWhiteDuchess Posts: 28 Member
    14 000 calories. Not proud.
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    I clocked in at 3500 or so yesterday. My daily goal is 1200. First time I've cheated since I started.
  • ab_1203
    ab_1203 Posts: 88 Member
    14 000 calories. Not proud.


    Highest Ive had is 5000 last June.
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    I went over by about 450 calories yesterday, all due to adult beverages - not only consuming them, but the fact that they convinced my brain that it was OK to have two slices of Safeway cheesecake for dessert, plus an extra cookie. Since I am maintaining and my TDEE is 2,700 calories, I had some room to work with, which is why I didn't get too far over.

    When I was losing weight, I had a couple of days where I went over my goal by 1,000, or about 500 over TDEE.
  • Karen_LM
    Karen_LM Posts: 61 Member
    Or when you decide that one error means its all over, you are a failure, and might as well quit now.

    It's one day. Bad days, whether caused by celebration or misery, will happen. Move on.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I have been through periods of extreme emotionally based binge eating, as well as bulimia, so at my worst, I have eaten up to 8000 calories, maybe more. When that is in the form of such calorie dense foods as cookies, cake, chocolate, ice cream, doughnuts, it is actually not as difficult as one might imagine. Obviously, I always tend to get back on track eventually, or I dread to think what weight I would be. That is the key, to always get back on track, as soon as possible, and to not let things spiral into days or weeks of overeating. Regardless, they served as a bulk, essentially, and once I hit the weights and cardio and got my eating back on track, I reverted back to my former shape fairly quickly.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    14 000 calories. Not proud.

    I thought I would be the highest, with around 10k, but nope. It happens and life goes on. :)
  • jaya_lakshmi
    The most I've ever gone over my goal was about 400 calories. So I was over 1k calories (normal maximum is 800 calories)
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    I don't know because usually times like that were big blowout holidays like Christmas and as far as calories consumed I just stuck my head in the sand and didn't want to know. :)
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    4,000? Rookie!!!
