How to eat healthy if you HATE veggies?! HELP!



  • nicolelute
    That was VERY helpful!! Thanks!
  • crystalfisher89
    crystalfisher89 Posts: 196 Member
    Have you ever given green smoothies a try? I usually do half spinach half varous frozen fruit (half a frozen ripe banana and then other frozen blueberries / strawberries / mangos / whatever I happen to have). I usually also put in a heaping tablespoon of protein powder, but that's completely optional.

    ^^^^ THIS!! I don't much like veggies (aside from raw cauliflower and steamed asparagus) and I love using kale or spinach- 1 cup, 1 cup almond milk or skim milk, 1 banana, 1 scoop unflavored protein powder, and some cinnamon (cinnamon makes for a GREAT appetite suppressant). It tastes delicious and aside from the green color, you totally cannot taste the greens. I am sure the rest other fruits will work, but bananas are quite cost effective for my budget and pack lots of potassium.

    Overnight oats are also a great creation for a protein heavy-filling breakfast. I use a 1/2 cup old fashioned oats, 1/2 cup vanilla greek yogurt, 1/2 cup almond or skim milk, 1/2 scoop unflavored protein powder, and some cinnamon. Stir together and leave overnight or even just a half hour and it's ready. Tastes like a oatmeal cream cookie! And no guilt is involved. :)

    On a side note, I wouldn't suggest doing a cleanse, they really don't work (only short term until a week after you're done then you put everything back on) and fad diets really are just that, a fad. I've tried it too many times and I will happily say that since I've been counting calories on MFP, I've managed to stay relatively happy with my weight. There are some ups and downs, but that's life. I also am a big advocate of not eating too little. We're human and you can enjoy eating, just be thoughtful about what you eat before you eat it. I still have chocolate and pizza and don't gain a pound from it. Actually, I have chocolate everyday in fact. I'm down to my last 10 lbs and back up to eating 2000 calories due to how much I work out. It's a slow process, but you'll be satisfied in the long run because the weight will come off and stay off if you are eating the things you still enjoy in moderation. I hope this helps!
  • getshredded2012
    getshredded2012 Posts: 26 Member
    lost me at Advocare 10 day cleanse...wat


    Any time I see or hear the word "cleanse" I shake my head.
  • nicolelute
    That's awesome, thanks a lot! I've done MFP & it helped, but at the same time..I FELT like I was starving. I lost weight, but it had me on a 1000-1200 calorie diet and eating the foods I eat...that's nothing, which is why I'd like to find some healthier foods.
  • crystalfisher89
    crystalfisher89 Posts: 196 Member
    That's awesome, thanks a lot! I've done MFP & it helped, but at the same time..I FELT like I was starving. I lost weight, but it had me on a 1000-1200 calorie diet and eating the foods I eat...that's nothing, which is why I'd like to find some healthier foods.

    Depending on how much you workout, I always say 1500-1700 is a good number and eat back at least half your exercise calories. I tries to put me at 1600 and I can't do it any more. I'm constantly hungry and you don't live a happy life that way. It's okay to set your MFP to 1 lb of loss a week because the slower you lose, the longer it'll stay off.
  • nicolelute
  • auteurfille22
    auteurfille22 Posts: 251 Member
    Spices have really changed my opinion of veggies. They can make a WORLD of difference. Even a bit of salt. Or a sprinkling of shredded mozzarella is good too.
  • hastingsmassage
    hastingsmassage Posts: 162 Member
    You need to find new way, and you need to like it because you will have to do it for the rest of your life...diets don't work, life style change does, remember. Good luck. Btw Veggies are great...give them a chance..
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    Could someone give my SPECIFIC recipes that may help me? I’ll TRY anything, but I know I’m gonna need to prepare it specific ways. I’ve been told that I can use Mrs. Dash seasonings, unsure if that’s true.

    This is a hard one, but well worth it.

    Cut up your vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots are nice like this.

    Turn the oven on to 450.

    Toss all the vege in a bowl with about 1-2T of olive oil. Add salt and pepper.

    Roast until little caramelized and delicious.
  • KatherinesRiver
    Sweet potatoes are really a good way to get a veggie into your diet if you are not a veggie person. I am new here and this is my first day! I had a medium size (what is that?) potato about 5 inches by 2 inches and used some butter substitute on it. Wow the calories in butter!!

    I wish you luck with your diet plan!
  • Karen_LM
    Karen_LM Posts: 61 Member
    Rather than subjecting yourself to the misery of a diet mostly of foods you hate, try modifying your current diet to include them in the foods you like.

    There are several cookbooks/blogs giving recipes for adding purees of vegetables to everything from pasta sauce to macaroni and cheese, burgers, casseroles, dips for veggies, and even desserts. some are written with children in mind, some with adults. Beginning with hidden vegetables, and working your way up to actual vegetables might be easier than a sudden and complete change of diet.
  • thevoice1973
    thevoice1973 Posts: 55 Member
    Try these two:

    - Green beans with almond slivers: Drop beans on salted boiling water for 1.5 minutes, drain, drizzle with 1 tap olive oil and add the equivalent of three almonds in slivers (or sliver your own with a sharp knife).
    - Carrots with Dijon mustard: Slice carrots, drop in boiling water for 4-5 minutes, drain, return to saucepan, add 1 tap of Dijon mustard and 1 tsp olive oil (or cocnut oil for a change), toss well.

    Remember that there are many ways to add flavour without calories: vinegars (like balsamic) reduce nicely and have tons of taste. Spices can also work real wonders, but go with fresh rather than dry. Consider as well that garlic and onions add tons of flavour with very little calories too!

    Hope this helps a bit!
  • Karen_LM
    Karen_LM Posts: 61 Member
    Other than hiding them: liking them comes with exposure. After so many times it becomes less offensive, then maybe acceptable, then maybe even liked.

    You may be a supertaster (google it) and the various bitter or sour taste components are much stronger to you than to other people. Begin with naturally sweet veg (carrots, corn, sweet potatoes) and use methods that add sweetness like roasting, boiling with a sprinkle of sugar in the water, or using recipes that glaze them with sugar, jams, honey or syrup might even help. You wont want to do that always and forever! But, to get you started, it might help. Dont be afraid to use salt to enhance the flavors as well.
  • snow00774
    if you've more of a fondness for salty than sweet, try roasting the veggies (some of my faves for this are portabello caps and red peppers) and then slice, mix and top with some feta. mmm salty flavoury goodness.
  • KingofWisdom
    KingofWisdom Posts: 229 Member
    The Morningstar Farms "Chik" patties taste great and have 8g of protein at 140 calories.
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    Personally I dont believe in doing a cleanse, its just a marketing trick, but if you are wanting to try then I hope it works for you. Veggies can be very dull and boring as some dont have much flavour to begin with, but depending on how you prepare them they can become amazing.

    My partner loves pizza, he's a skinny ***** so he doesnt need to care, problem is that I of course love pizza to; our solution is that we make our pizza at home, it is fun to make together, and it is way healthier as you decide what goes in it. Also getting a thin crust instead of a normal or thick one will save you heaps in calories and carbs!

    Our pizza normally will have whatever we feel like but below I will give you one of my favorites:

    - Super thin pizza base from the supermarket
    - low sodium tomato paste
    - button mushrooms
    - low fat ham and salami (or tuna!)
    - pineapple
    - red and yellow capsicums
    - tomato (without the seeds, otherwise your base will become soggy)
    - noble chedder (special brand here in NZ, less then 100cals for 25 grams, if grated I use only 50 grams for a whole pizza)
    - a bit of bbq sauce

    Super yummy and healthier then most pizza's you can buy.

    Feel free to add me if you want more recipes. I dont eat only healthy foods as I know that is not something I can do for ever but I try and work the unhealthy food into my calorie goals and balance it with exercise. Also smoothies are amazing!
  • Soufre
    Soufre Posts: 236 Member
    I hate vegetables too. I hate everything about them. Weirdly enough if I juice a bunch of them together, they taste great! Sometimes you just got to man up and eat them. Who knows you might acquire a taste for a few of them (for me it was broccoli and eggplant.)
    I tend to eat more fruit to make up for the lack of vegetables I consume.
  • marshallexi
    marshallexi Posts: 162 Member
    Have you ever given green smoothies a try? I usually do half spinach half varous frozen fruit (half a frozen ripe banana and then other frozen blueberries / strawberries / mangos / whatever I happen to have). I usually also put in a heaping tablespoon of protein powder, but that's completely optional.

    This was going to be my suggestion too. I'm terrible for eating fruit (I prefer vegetables any day) so adding some to a smoothie and drowning it in spinach works a treat for me!
  • DamianaKitten
    DamianaKitten Posts: 479 Member
    Because maybe I'm trying to find foods that are better for me instead of the regular pizza, lasagna, chips, pop & chocolate that I stuff in my face now. Thanks for not helping at all. I asked for specific recipes because I'm trying to better myself...not your irrelevant comments.

    Aside from chips, I've put all of those things into my mouth this week. OM NOM NOM

    If you're trying to lose weight by eating foods you don't like, you are setting yourself up for failure. Start small. Instead of chips, nom on some carrots. Try one new veggie a week, and look for difference recipes to go with it. Raw veggies are better for me, because when I cook them I like to smother them in sauce and cheese. :laugh: Eat what you like!
  • DamianaKitten
    DamianaKitten Posts: 479 Member
    Have you ever given green smoothies a try? I usually do half spinach half varous frozen fruit (half a frozen ripe banana and then other frozen blueberries / strawberries / mangos / whatever I happen to have). I usually also put in a heaping tablespoon of protein powder, but that's completely optional.

    This was going to be my suggestion too. I'm terrible for eating fruit (I prefer vegetables any day) so adding some to a smoothie and drowning it in spinach works a treat for me!

    I'm the opposite. I can eat fruit all day, but veggies are another story for me. I don't know why, either, because I do like them. We've even got a good fresh market with local in season produce. I guess with veggies I never really know what to do with them (aside from my previous mention of sauce and cheese, and that busts my calories for the day rather quickly...).