dgbrown13 Member


  • Add me! I will be your diet buddy! What do you do for exercise?
  • Hello, I am going through the same thing! I even have considered Over eaters Anonymous but there are not any meetings near me. I have put out the need for a sponsor here but I have not received a reply. They have online and telephone meetings but I need to actually TALK to some one. I think about food all the time. The…
  • Hi! add me! I am checking in at least 3 times /day!
  • I will be your friend! I have started Over Eaters Anonymous today. This will be my first day of abstinence.I am abstaining from extra sugar and added fat. All fruit and vegetables for the first week with some lean meat/fish. One day at a time. CW 130. GW 115.
  • Take it one day at a time. I have a problem with night eating, but this week I stopped eating AS MUCH, not completely but not as much as I have in the past and I consider that a success. A little but it is one. The weekend is coming up and this is when I really lose control, but my goal,and it is a little one, is to not…
  • Add me! I have 15 pounds to lose but 5 pounds or 100 pounds doesn't makea difference. I takes hard work, commitment and support from others who are struggling with weight/food issues. You are a strong person and you can DO THIS!!
  • Hi Christine, I would love to have you as a buddy! I start then stop then start again, but today is the last time that I am going to start because I just am not going to stop again. I am going to be consistent and check the site at least once a day for accountability and support. That is the only way to get the most from…
  • I will be your buddy! I tend to do OK during the week but undo it all on the weekends and gain the weight back plus more. This weekend was particularly bad and I gained 5 pounds.
  • I am looking for a phone buddy. Someone one to chat with once a day. I used to go to Over Eaters Ann. but they stopped meeting in my area. Talking is better for me then messages to keep me accountable. I am starting Wonder Slim on Monday because they have really good high protein snacks and shakes but shakes like special K…
  • I am lost too. I will be your friend!
  • Oh wow back at cha! I am currently struggling with the BED thing right now too. I weigh myself every day. I have this ritual I go through when I do it but I won't get into that now. I am working on the scale not being my enemy though. But back to dieting, I have to admit that I am on my way to Wholefoods to get their mac…
  • I will be be your partner. I eat between 900 to 1500 also. I too lost a lot of weight twice in my life. 75 pounds each time. I had an eating disorder too, anorexia. I overcame that but I ended up gaining back too much weight in my opinion although everybody tells me I look better where I am now. I, of course, do not agree,…
  • I was wondering the same thing. I work out 45-60 min. 5 -6 days a week but otherwise I am sedentary. If I stay at 1200 or a little below will it make me lose weight faster or should I bump it up to 1500? When I eat more than 1200 it seems like a lot of food to me.