Diets can be fun! Also, I want an accountability partner!

Hi, I'm a 23 year old cosmetologist, and I want to lose about 30 lbs. I'm a 5'6' female and I weigh 154 lbs. My daily intake goal is 1200 calories, but i eat anywhere between 900-1500. I feel that the weekly goal is more important, and some days I eat out with friends or get a few drinks, but that's not the end of the world. I've lost a lot of weight twice in my life. Sixty pounds the first time, though that was a symptom of an eating disorder so I won't count that, and 90 lbs the second time (done the healthy way)! Unfortunately, I've gained 20 lbs over the last year, through school stress and dealing with the worst breakup of my life.

Anyway, feel free to message me if you want to be myfitnesspal friends! I'll make sure to check up on you :)


  • dgbrown13
    dgbrown13 Posts: 19 Member
    I will be be your partner. I eat between 900 to 1500 also. I too lost a lot of weight twice in my life. 75 pounds each time. I had an eating disorder too, anorexia. I overcame that but I ended up gaining back too much weight in my opinion although everybody tells me I look better where I am now. I, of course, do not agree, and I want to lose some of the weight that I have gained. Not all of it just about 10 pounds. I am 5'4' and weigh 127, so that would put me at 117, a weight that I will be comfortable with that is still healthy. At my lowest I weighed 108 pounds. My problem is that I eat a lot at night. I take Ambien because I can't sleep but unfortunately it makes me "sleep eat." I wake up and see the evidence of what I ate while I was "sleep".and I have absolutely no recall of doing it. It is no secret why I have gained weight because the majority of the weight has come on since I started taking it. It is a wicked drug but it does help me sleep. Starting tonight I am going to start weaning myself off of it. I should be down at least 2-4 pounds if I can resist taking it for the next week. I try to exercise 5-6 days a week for 45-60 minutes. I have a treadmill and a Stairmaster and a home weight cable/pulley machine that my husband and I bought from a gym that was going out of business plus plenty of free weights etc. so fortunately I do not have to go to the gym since I converted an extra bedroom into one. Okay I did not mean to go on. Good luck and I will check back with you too:)
  • gyoza_pussy
    Oh my god! Are you me??? Seriously tho, wow. I struggled with anorexia too, but I ended up gaining way, way too much post recovery, and it turned into BED. I was doing fine for a while, but I'm starting to get overweight again and I'm finally completely fed up with it. Also, it is best to quit the ambien. It will be hard, though. I've struggled most of my life with benzo dependence, and I gained my first 10 lbs when I quit Xanax. I did it cold turkey, though. I had a relapse about a month ago, but I've weaned myself down to 1/4 of an Ativan/night. I also was taking them for sleep. :( I can't do ambien, though. I can't sleep on them, so I end up doing a ton bunch of really stupid things (including eating a whole bag of family sized Cheetos/throwing my cat outside/watching rockadoodle four times), and forgetting all about. Anyway, we can get trough this together!
  • dgbrown13
    dgbrown13 Posts: 19 Member
    Oh wow back at cha! I am currently struggling with the BED thing right now too. I weigh myself every day. I have this ritual I go through when I do it but I won't get into that now. I am working on the scale not being my enemy though. But back to dieting, I have to admit that I am on my way to Wholefoods to get their mac and cheese. It is my weakness. It has been on my mind all week and when that happens I will NOT be satisfied until I get it no matter what the food is. I picked a Friday (yesterday) to begin my diet which was a stupid thing to do. I will eat my mac and cheese and enjoy it and start tomorrow(Sunday} It will be easier knowing that I have someone to relate to. Do you work out? My name is Denise by the way. Have you heard of Wonderslim diet program?I have tried their products and they are really good. Check out the website. I get the smoothies and the protein bars (awesome!) and some of their snacks. I don't get their food although I read that they are good, much better than the other diet programs like Nutrisystem, Medifast etc. Starting tomorrow I am going to focus on the protein shakes 4 a day with one healthy salad or something like that. I figure that if I do that then I will be down about 5 pounds by the end of the week. I know that it will be mostly water but as long as the number on the scale is lower that will help motivate me to stay on the plan. I hear you about the ambien. I TOO was hooked on benzos a few years back. I still take them but never more than one or to at a time for anxiety. Ok I am going to Wholefoods now. I will get some fruit or something while I am there so I won't feel so bad. Take care!