

  • Sorry I'm a few days late. starting weight Modnay 7thJan 142 lbs Week 0 (Sunday 13th Jan): 138 lbs Week 1 (Sunday 20th Jan): 135 lbs Week 2 (Sunday 27th Jan): Week 3 (Sunday 3rd Feb): Week 4 (Sunday 10th Feb): i did cheat and weigh myself again this morning and the scales said I've put on 1 lb since Sunday, hoping this is…
  • Week one = 3lbs lost! Let's hope I can keep this up. I know it'll get more difficult but feel like I've made a good start.
  • This is exactly what i need. A bit of motivation. Gave up smoking 4 months ago (20 a day for over a decade). Kicked that habit but have put on 18lbs since September! I'm 31, 5 foot 2 and my starting weight is 142lbs, aim to get back to a more comfortable weight of 126lbs. Good luck everyone.
  • Exactly the same happened to me last week. I put on 3 1/2 lbs literally overnight, it then took 5 days (and no giving into cravings) to get back to where I had been at the beginning. Very disheartening but I think it happens to most of us
  • Glad I'm not the only one...