runnermomo4 Member


  • Not true eventually your metabolism will adjust and you will not lose. There are plenty of people on these boards that have started their diets at 1200 calories, lost a lot (but not all their weight) only to have it stall before they reached their goal weight and their only choice was to restrict more.... not healthy!
  • Where it becomes complicated is when your calorie intake is already only 800, 900, 1200 and you still can't lose weight. How low should you adjust?
  • Thanks for your response love4fitness. I appreciate the advice. I don't necessarily need to see a certain number on the scale. But it is very frustrating putting in the effort I have been and seeing my results go backwards. I find it very hard to eat at maintenance, which is why I stopped logging. I am afraid of losing…
  • Thanks for the responses, I'm not sure what advice I was I was hoping to hear. I can't expect anyone to give advice based on the small amount of info I gave. It easy to simplify it and say I am simply eating more calories than I am burning. But personally I don't feel its that simple. I believe this is a case of how eating…
  • No I haven't gained just while not logging. .. When I don't log I actually have stayed the same. I have been gaining for the last year or stalled weather I log or not. Lost 25lbs with mfp, got the bodymedia to lose the last 10 lbs and have continued to gain. I lift heavy 3 times a week run 15 kms a week and do yoga. People…
  • Can I be part of this club? I have been on mfp for two years and have been stalled for a year. I have been starving myself and I didn't even realize it. :( I just wrote a blog post about this subject and you can read more about my story at (am I allowed to post that? sorry if I'm not) Eating healthy…